Thornless blackberry in zone 5

I got this Darrow plant from Gardening Direct, it was pretty much kindling. I think they sent three? Two died, one somehow lived, but 2 growing seasons have gone by. It now has a decent sized primocane, one only! So next year I’ll get a few berries. It’s worth paying for the good nursery stock.


I am growing Chester Thornless and training them along the ground. The picture is of the one in my greenhouse.

Our season is not long enough for ripening so that is why they are in the greenhouse. But this plant was in the ground outside all last winter, pulled down as alan suggested above, and covered with peatmoss. As you can see, the Chester managed to live thru - 40C and has bloomed this year.

I think I would of had more fruiting canes except in my excitement of seeing the green spring canes, I cut some off thinking I would be able to root them. No luck with that though.


Take cuttings to root when dormant, but burying part of cane is easier. You could do that now, reminds me I need to start some tip roots!


i had 4 . 2 survived but are growing real slow. but so are my baby cakes. barely bigger than when i first got them. my paf were super vigorous compared to these. hopefully once established they will take off.


I grow Chester here in zone 3a. I have to lay the canes down and cover them with leaves or straw or they would not survive our winters, which can easily hit -30F. The canes get about 10 feet long each year, then winter kills them back to 3 or 4 feet of live cane, but that is enough for me to get about 500 berries most years. My plant is maybe 8 years old now, and has produced several sucker plants nearby. I grow them in the open garden, with no summer protection or special treatment. Last year was an exceptional year, the lower 6 feet or so of most canes surviving, which went on to produce over 1,500 berries, some still in the deep freezer. This year looks like it will be back to the more typical 500 or so berries. They ripen for me usually starting at the end of August, the main crop comes in September, then they finish up in early-mid October, although frost usually finishes them off before every last berry ripens.


thats good to hear! I’m in 3b. do you have any problem with the frost killing them before they ripen? i had prime ark freedom and they wouldn’t ripen before frost hit. was told that they adapt over time and may ripen earlier over the years.

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Mine have started to ripen a bit earlier as the plant got older. I would say when it was young the first fruit were ready around Sept. 7, whereas now I usually get the first fruit about two weeks earlier than that. But they definitely ripen late in zone 3, I am helped out by being in a city of a million people so our first frost in the city is typically 3 or more weeks later than outside the city. I don’t think I would grow them outside the city as frost would take out most berries before they ripened… not sure of your situation, but something to consider.


im in the country surrounded with fields so not much protect ion for them here. i may make a high tunnel out of pvc pipe to give them some protection in the fall so they can ripen. i want blackberries!


I was able to harvest about 10 berries this year(first time).They were delicious but it was cutting it close, ripening at the end of Sept here in zone 5b. I guess these don’t bloom in the spring like most fruits? The buds showered up in July or so. I can see why you have them in your GH. Thanks for sharing

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i have 4 in my patch i planted last spring. they didn’t put out much new growth over the summer but hopefully they take off next spring. if i get fruit ill post the taste test on here.

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i also found my 1st. blackberry I’ve ever seen growing in n.Maine this summer! it was along a field . had lots of small blackberries a little bigger than raspberries and had excellent taste! the cane was a nice deep red and nearly thornless with lots of berries on them!. only 1 small thorn every 10in. on the main cane. none on laterals. got rooted cuttings started for a new patch next spring! once they start to sucker, if anyones interested id share some. sent cuttings to Ken at Oikios nursery in MI. he may be offering them for sale in a few years if he likes them. they were found growing in my z3b.


Hi! Here’s my experience with Triple Crown in Can zone 5, which is USDA equivalent of 4 I think. In the summer of 2015, I put the plant in ground, against a south facing brown brick wall. In fall, I protected my 3 canes by laying them on the ground and covering them with dead leaves. In summer of 2016, I had a good harvest. I tried some tip pruning. I didn’t protect the canes during 2016-2017 winter = very wrong = most canes were dead and I had a very small harvest last summer. This summer, I tried tip pruning again. Some canes grew to about 15’ long (even after being “tip pruned”) ! I layed the canes on the ground last week. I am now waiting for temperatures to drop to cover the canes with tarp and straw mulch. I don’t want to do it now as it rains and temperatures are fluctuating. I don’t want warmth and humidity to get trap in there. I hope to get a much bigger crop next year.


and anyone else who has purchased Baby Cakes… were your plants thick with shoots or were they decent I guess is the word? I’m debating buying one or two or three but I don’t know where to buy them from. Jung and Stark Bros. appear to me to be the only two places I’d consider because everyone else wants an arm and a leg for theirs. Jung (quart) 16 bucks; Stark (quart) 17 bucks. Ideally, I’d like to make divisions from a pot or two.


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I bought Baby Cakes from Jung last year . Plant grew some and put on about 3 berries in the fall . Not big enough to divide yet .

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Thanks, Jerry. Flavor?


Flavor was good .

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got mine thru jungs. had 3 -4 , 6-10in. sprouts from the crown. very slow to establish but i read this is typical as its a dwarf. put on maybe 12-15in. of new growth over summer. hope to see some beries next summer. if i get some shoots , id be glad to send you some.

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wow! you got berries in the 1st season! mine was planted in well amended soil and had a hard time putting out any new growth. the same soil my raspberries right next to them , are in, and growing like crazy.

I’m patient. I’ll send you something in return Steve.

Thank you.


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no problem. i like to share my plants. :wink:

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