Topworking Mature Mulberry

I’ve successfully top-worked a couple of mulberries, but they were about 2"-3" in diameter, not 12".

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Graft the most vigorous of the suckers after cutting it down, or cut the tree to a stump and graft to a straight shoot from that the following year. Or do both and see which establishes the most quickly.

The only way you are likely to get a graft growing on a tall vigorous tree is by grafting really high, which just isn’t practical- especially on a mulberry, which is a pretty trashy shortlived tree. .

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Разве проблема привить за кору черенком? Не важно какой большой ствол подвоя, за кору вы всегда привьете и конечно после уменьшения давления сока!

Mulberries (at least in my experience) would rather sent up suckers/new shoots rather than push growth from a graft placed on a stump. i’ve tried 3 times to graft to a 2 foot tall stump and they’ve all dried and died. In the same time it has pushed suckers to more than 10 feet each year. (and this is with me cutting back to try and get the energy into the grafts)



What method did you use?


Multiple bark grafts on each stump:

One and a half years later:


Anyone growing Morus nigra in your region? To me it is the best tasting mulberry

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Top worked mature mulberry in this old experiment many years ago as an example. It is not as easy as some trees but it is also not that hard. You might read through parts of the thread that help you.


Вы пробовали Шелковицу бессемяную Марварид тут?


У меня из коллекции шелковиц : Джерарди, Шангри-Ла, Пакистанская белая, Пакистанакая чёрная, Гималайская, Персидская(шахтут) , марварид тут, Из Перу чёрная. Польская бессемяная (?), плакучая альба черная, и три альбы крупноплодные черная, белая и розовая
Если кому нужны черенки то могу поделиться!



Have you tried Seedless Mulberry Marvarid here?

We have not tried seedless at my location how do you like them?

Мы не пробовали у меня без косточек, как вам?

My ne probovali u menya bez kostochek, kak vam?


me from the collection of mulberries: Gerardi, Shangri-La, Pakistani white, Pakistani black, Himalayan, Persian (miner), marwarid here, Black from Peru. Polish seedless (?), black weeping alba, and three large-fruited albs black, white and pink
If anyone needs cuttings, I can share

Нам не разрешено в Соединенных Штатах отправлять растительные материалы или получать какие-либо растительные материалы. Это запрещено законом. Спасибо за ваше любезное предложение.

Nam ne razresheno v Soyedinennykh Shtatakh otpravlyat’ rastitel’nyye materialy ili poluchat’ kakiye-libo rastitel’nyye materialy. Eto zapreshcheno zakonom. Spasibo za vashe lyubeznoye predlozheniye.

We are not allowed in the United Stated to send plant materials out or receive any plant materials in. This is prohibited by law. Thank you for your kind offer.

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Если сделать фитосертификат то можно отправлять и получать
Но не все могут себе это позволить, это бюрократия
Обычные садоводы из разных стран меняются черенками на свой страх и риск! Честь и хвала им!

I frequently graft mulberries when the top dies and only the rootstock thrives. I use a simple splice graft on about a pencil sized sucker and do two or three grafts on the largest suckers coming from the ground. At worst only one will take, but the average is probably 70% success rate. I do so at first signs of growth. The only variety I’ve used is Illinois Everbearing. It seems to be the best cold weather mulberry.

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It is settled. I will cut the tree down and graft to a root stock sucker in the spring. (If I can find scion).
Does anyone want shangri-la scions?


Sounds weird, but in Russian one of the mulberry plant names is the same word as for “here”
Тут (toot) means “mulberry” and also means “here”.

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Good plan. I graft to suckers on my large trees after I cut it back to 2-3ft tall. I noticed if the trunk diameter is larger than about 3" then top grafting the cut tree doesn’t heal as nice and the graft will not fuse into one smooth trunk after it heals in a few years. I’m cutting down 5 large trees myself (trunk diameter of 5"-10").

When you are ready to graft the new variety, you can send me a message and I might be able to help you out.


Доброго дня. Цікаво було придбати саджанці чи черенки. Як із вами звязатися?

Тут это сокращённо от слова тутовник