They’re not very photogenic right now (winter), but I’ll try to remember to get a picture in the daylight tomorrow.
It’s not much to look at this time of year, but I think it looks reasonably nice when in flower and in fruit. Pictured are the free standing canes, some of which have been tipped and some not (depending on which direction they were growing). Dead canes from previous years are still mixed in because I haven’t had much reason to remove them and they add additional structural support for new canes.
I planted two TC plugs in April, they are about foot tall now and I removed all but one cane on the vine. I was thinking about tying the cane to a bamboo pole this year and figure out a trellis system next year, Question: Does it just grow this single cane through this year or will it also grow laterals?
Either growth habit is possible. Sometimes a berry cane will put out laterals on its own without deliberately tip-pruning the cane. Tip pruning, if done by mid-season, will almost guarantee laterals.
Most likely your first-year cane will just stay as a single cane and will not get real long.
Thanks Larry, I think I will put a tomato cage around it.