Ugh! , the problem with a warm winter

It’s also to important that if you aren’t supplying heat it has to come from captured heat from the ground, so the tarp has to be like a tent that is at least as wide against the ground as above and firmly pressed against the ground to avoid the escape of the warmer air. Insulation is close to useless if you don’t have a heat source and heat your are holding in. Trees can’t create their own heat, or at least not nearly enough to make much difference.

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My anecdotal feel is that there wont be a bug dieback. Sigh.
Certainly the ticks are leading the charge. Found some already active.

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Ohhh my purple one is coming up too!

I live in WA state.

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Not ticks here.
But I bet aphids will be “YESSSSSSSS!!!” When they survive.

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