Unchallengeable competition

my mother in law has a 2ft. by 2ft. bald faced hornets’ nest hanging over her back deck right over the door. its going to be interesting on how to get rid of it because they are literally a ft. over head when you come through the door. its also only way to access the deck. the other end is a 12ft drop. was thinking of going after dark with my headlamp, open the door slowly then knock it down with a broom then quickly close the door. what are the chances i get nailed? nervous lol.

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After dark with a can of clear acrylic spray paint - spray as you approach and keep spraying as you back away. The paint stops them dead in their flight and has a large cone giving you good protection. It can seal up their holes if you get close enough.


This year I noted a large cohort of yellow jackets obliterating the humongous aphid population on my elderberries. Unless they build their nest in a bad spot, I’ve decided to let them be.

Last year it was right beside the backyard gate so unfortunately I had to get out the shop vac.