What caused these damages on peaches? This Bug?

And to know that the bugs were found in the US only since 1998, these baddies have caused so much damages in so short time.

I enjoyed Jellyman posts, too. Love his sense of humor. Maybe, Alan could convince him to be a guest poster here.

If you are not using bug poison its OK to spray in the wind, I have had to do it many times. Set the nozzle on a less wide spray and aim it more directly at each limb. I also have a headlamp for night-time spraying, this spring I had to do most of my sprays at night due to job keeping me busy during the day. I have a bike helmet that is 10 watts, its very bright.

There is not much you can do about a big stretch of rain. Recently we have had a ton of rain and my peaches are mostly barren now. This time of year is when I really need Surround to keep the stinkers at bay. It works very well as long as you keep the coat up.

Fighting BMSB is like fighting White Walkers on Game of Thrones TV show.
Very hard to kill, its like they rise from the dead.

A few years ago, BMS hit central Md pretty hard. Lots of losses at the local orchards, and they freaked out. Subsequent years not as bad.

Yeah…it was really, really bad just 10 miles NW of here at my buddies place. His peaches and tomatoes were totally ravaged. I had never seen anything like it, but it looked just like the photos I posted in the BMSB thread.
There was even talk of short time permitting for the use of DDT. I think 6 states including MD. NJ, WV, VA, PA and one other did receive single season permitting for something. If I remember correctly it was Dinotefuran, but the ARS/USDA link actually showed it to be far less lethal than Malathion, maybe it persists longer…I dunno.

Thanks for the tip. My neighbors have already thought I am insane. If I go out and spray at night with head light, my FAMILY will definitely believe that I am insane. Admittedly, I don’t like darkness. It’s spooky. I was thinking about going out with a flashlight to check bugs. Still have not done so. Hubby refuses to go with me.

David - believe it or not, I’ve never seen a single episode of Games of Thrones because we don’t have HBO. My friends love it. I have to catch up on Amazon when a growing season is over.

Appleseed and Matt - thank out for your comments. I fear that sooner or later, people in other regions will experience this, too.

here is the pic showing the difference of damage caused by OFM (tunneling) and stink bug (skin-deep).