What is going on today 2017?

been cool and wet up here so far. I’m not a fan of heat but would like a few weeks of the 80’s to really get the plants to grow. they struggle when its in the 60’s all the time. hard to spray when its always raining. my apple trees are getting chewed up bad. by july it should start to dry up .


Cots just starting to color up


I have one showing orange…and i think it is a Robada. What do you have ripening?

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I’m making kimchi today. :yum: ‘Hilton’ Chinese cabbage grew really well in my 6" raised beds. ‘Music’ garlic is the other ingredient I grew that’s really a top performer - many cloves 1.5" wide. The other ingredients of radish, carrot, green onion, ginger, red pepper powder, fish sauce (I bought the good brand this year which actually smells good - cheaper ones are a little repulsive to me), and rice flour were purchased at the store. I’m using Maangchi’s recipe. If you’re interested in Korean cooking and haven’t heard of Maangchi I recommend checking her out - lots of very good videos. She just put out a few of Korean grocery walkthroughs which are very informative.


Flavor Delight - just starting to color

I’ve never netted the cots before, but the squirrels are more and more trouble

Problem is, the only net I have that will fit over the FD is kind of shady. But Fruitnut uses shadecloth on his trees, so that must not be a problem?

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Mine is 30% shade and we get lots of sun.

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Should be ok…i put some hardware cloth over my one ripening cot just so i get to try it.

I need to cover my blueberries as they are starting to turn and last year the birds got everything.

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Thanks. I’m sure you get more sun that I do, but this netting isn’t precisely shadecloth - or it wasn’t advertised as such.

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That looks like good bird netting. It could just as well be called shade cloth. It’s probably near 30% shade. Similar to mine. That really light stuff that tangles on everything is more like 10%.

Hah, that might be a good idea. But, we’d prob go into a drought if I did that. My bro-in-law owns the creek bottom part of the family farm. Considering all the water we get, that would be a good place to grow some over there. He doesn’t live on the farm, and said we could do what we want with the land.

I went out last night about 8:30 with a rain coat, umbrella and spotlight to inspect things. The roar of the rushing water around the farm was deafening. Almost as loud were all the frogs that were out in full force, croaking their approval of all the rain, I guess.

With no power, and no moon last night it was DARK around here. Thankfully it wasn’t too hot to sleep. I’m just glad that we got power, so all our food didn’t spoil.


The black raspberries are getting ripe. I ate about a hundred this morning while walking the dog. He ate about ten. He keeps wanting me to pick the apples and pears. He likes to play with them. He sits at the trunks and wines while looking up at them and back to me.


That looks good. Is kimchi a good source of probiotics, being that it’s kinda fermented cabbage? Are you canning it, or is it just for fresh eating?

Have you ever tried Natto?

Think so do you…!! Sounds like that stinking fruit, durian I believe.

The Balatons are sweeter than the Monty’s, especially if left on the tree a few days past ripening. Nowhere near as sweet as a sweet cherry, but sweet enough to eat out of hand, at least for me any way. I’m noticing this year that the Balatons are much firmer and “meatier” than the Monty’s, similar to a sweet cherry. The Monty’s are all juice this year.

This is my first real cherry crop in my orchard, but from picking both at several local PYO farms over the years, it seems that the Monty’s are a better, more consistent cropper in this area. I planted the Balaton’s because they make and unbelievably good wine, and with thier reddish colored flesh it gives the wine a fantastic color as well.


No, no natto. I think I have had kimchi, tho. It is interesting, don’t know if it is something I could eat every day. I do like fresh sauerkraut very much. If can ever get our cabbage to grow this year, we might try some. I think there’s an old kraut crock down in the cellar, so that’d be nice to try.

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I’ve never tried it…not sure you can even buy it around here. Love me anything that is slimy.

Lots more black raspberries today. Filled up a bowl of them. Excellent year for them.


got a taste for it when i was stationed in korea. I’ve seen it canned here in the us. smells bad but tastes great! its a staple with most dishes in korea. its kinda like a spicy sauerkraut.


Yes on the probiotics. No on the water bath or pressure processing. I’ve never heard of that with kimchi. Most people will leave it on the counter for a day or two and then just stick it in the refrigerator. Keeps well for months there. Traditionally it was made in huge batches in autumn and stored in large clay pots that were buried. It will take on more sourness as it ferments which I really like - sometimes gets a fizzyness which is also good. I used the full amount of red pepper powder (recipe called for 3 cups per 12lbs cabbage) and it is a bit spicy. I think it should mellow out a bit with time. Almost every kimchi product I’ve seen in store contains msg. I’d rather not consume that.


. i remember the local koreans burrying the big clay pots in their back yards. i bought some canned in the grocery store and its not the same. doesn’t have the tanginess or kick of the real thing. i also remember them making a kimchi with turnip. is that called kimchi or something else? was very good also. i miss Korean food!