What is this disease called?

I found this on both of my plum trees.

I remember people discussed this before, but I can’t recall what it is called.
I have pruned off the infected branches already, what else do I need to do?

Black knot
Black knot


Thank you for the info! I have read through the thread. Did you get it under control eventually?

I have sprayed the trees with copper once, and captan several times beginning at bud break. It didn’t prevent this black rot from happening.:frowning:

some stone fruit are more susceptable to it than others. the wild chokecherry around me is full of the stuff.

Well, I didn’t have much black knot problem until this year. Ironically, I sprayed more diligent this spring too with Daconil in the late winter/early spring and copper at bud break. And this spring was very dry here too.
All the conditions, affects have done that against outbreak of black knots but in fact I have worst than ever black knots on my trees this year. Really got me puzzled

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I never saw it until I noticed an apartment complex down the road has a prunus padilla (mayday tree) absolutely infested with the stuff. A second mayday tree succumbed to it (the homeowner had the tree removed once he realized what was happening to his tree AND of course he replaced it with another of the same type). i’m about 250 feet further down the road and the year after his tree was removed I started having problems… Thankfully they have been minor thus far…


I have theses two plum trees for 7 years, this is the first time I see black knot on then. Like you, I also sprayed the trees with fungicide this year much more diligently.