Photo from today Feb 12 been in refrigerator all winter,
@snowflake , well it’s not the most flavorful at this point.
My friend that tried it after harvest in fall said “ not exceptional but good “
Now “ would say better than snow balls
Not expecting miracle identification here.
Just wondering if it fits the description. - or miss labeled?
Ripened mid - late October.
A friends tree
Mine ripen much earlier than that in 6a (ish) with around 4000 GDD. Some will separate cleanly in mid-late August. I wouldn’t call them good though. I tried to see if they would get better in storage, but no such luck. They might make pickles though. I should try that.
My guess would be improved kieffer but it could be pineapple. It is hard to say by one pear. The picture of the tree looks like pineapple in the way it grows.
That’s how one of my kieffers looks in a more wooded area And it’s ripe later.
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