What's happening today 2016?

Lovely pictures, he looks like he enjoyed the day. Nuts are something I absolutely would love to grow but can’t.

That is something to ask our University to try and develop a cold hardy variety for!

I think that is the real problem with trying to grow pistachios in the Southeast. Our humidity levels are much higher than 10%, even when it’s dry here.

If they ever do grow I think processing them will be challenging as well. I would love the challenge though.

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Love it.

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This is my second round of Tupperware size raspberry pick for this year!


And here’s where they should properly landed on. Vanilla Ice Cream :yum:


Pretty rough 24 hours in my home state of WV. I’m lucky to be north of all this flooding and my thoughts go out to those that have died and those families been effected.

Here is video of a home that was swept away on fire. Scary stuff.

The heart of the flooding is in Greenbrier county. Here are some pictures of the famous Greenbrier golf course where the greenbrier classic will be played in 2 weeks.

Looks good. I am heading to 80East now and should be there in 7 hrs. just make sure you save me a few of those bowls.



Stop by and I’ll send you into my “jungle” to pick your own!



Yeah…that looks insanely good.

What variety do you have there?

Less than 10% humidity, we can do that! Of course not sure how they will like our snow in the winters :grin:

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Scary stuff there speedster. I saw that same video on the weather channel today. They edited it with their own news person speaking.

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As I was walking into the house just now, having come in from work, then straight from car to orchard for some snacks, then into the house, I was literally smiling like the village idiot and thinking that I need to log in and thank my friends for my orchard. By friends, I mean all of you- and I don’t think that is too strong a word. We have more in common, we communicate more often, and we know as much about our favorite foods as I do some of my “real life” friends. I think we have a nice little community here filled with good people that I genuinely like and who are always willing to help. I’m glad Scott created this world, that we have moderators who keep things in order, and that we’ve been lucky enough to attract a great group of diverse people with a shared interest.

The reason I was smiling as I was coming inside was that it just kind of hit me all at once that in spite of all my failures, struggles, mistakes, and challenges- I’ve also had quite a bit of success! (thanks to you folks). While in my orchard I picked up a plastic container and by the time I got into the house I had peaches, nectarines, plums, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and one plumcot! Yes, that really is true- I picked all those in just a few minutes as I walked through and admired my orchard. Now, they weren’t all perfect- some had cracks or blemishes and I didn’t say I got large amounts of all those. But I did get enough of each to really enjoy (not just to taste a bite or two) and it really occurred to me- kind of for the first time- that after 4 long years I have actually (kind of/sort of) made my dreams of having lots of fresh fruit to pick in my back yard come true!!! Heaven knows I’m not done learning or even really out of the “beginner” category. I know less than most of you, I still make mistakes, and I still have about 1.24 million things I need to do in my little orchard. But tonight I’m going to enjoy a wide variety of fresh fruit that was picked in my own little imperfect orchard, just as I dreamed of doing 4 years ago when I planted my first peach tree from Lowes! Since then people on the site have answered countless questions and held my hand through hard times and celebrated the good ones. So thanks to my work and your support, I’m eating lots of fresh fruit this summer and have lots more at various stages of the pipeline. So thanks to @scottfsmith for the site and the rest of you for your support. Its been a long ride but it’s been well worth it. May all your trees be filled with good fruit.


OMG, has the water finally receded? Bless you all.

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@speedster1, I am glad you are not in that dangerous area. My heart goes out to the families that suffered. It’s scary!


Thanks. We got a lot of rain in my area and lost power for 13 hours but we did not have flooding like that. The worst of the flooding was just south of me in the central part of the state. My company has an office in Lewisburg which got flooded. People were sleeping in the cars.

Dude, that is too hard too resist, low hanging fruit so to speak.

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hahaha. If the shoe fits I can wear it, and when it comes to fruit (and now beekeeping) I very often do feel like a big dummy. But trust me, I’ve got some very thick skin. Everyone who lives in my city thinks they are my boss (and in a way they are) and so they are not shy about berating me on any given day. Pretty much every decision I make ends up making some happy and some mad, and the mad ones are the ones most likely to call or come by call me things much worse than the village idiot! :slight_smile: ha


Attention everyone…

6 months from today is Christmas :christmas_tree:

ho ho ho


Looks like something is happening with these Pawpaw grafts.Thanks Tony,for the scions. Brady