Thanks Dax, this is very helpful information. I guess I’ll plan on planting these little guys on the hillside at our office and hope for the best. Nothing to lose with free nuts! The shrub I found them on was about 6 feet tall and looked fairly healthy as far as I could see, maybe it’s a lucky one.
It’s doing okay because it’s probably American hazelnut. Blight affects European where the nuts are larger and the kind of nuts/shrubs people want to plant in their landscapes due to size of the super small nuts from American hazel or Beaked hazelnut. It’s sort of rare to find hazels around here and I’ve never seen a Beaked one, a native to America.
Well, I planted a few near where I found the original and I have 37 more for the office. I don’t know that I’ve seen them in the wild for a long while. Time to incorporate them into my future rogue park pawpaw plantings
Here are some of the largest native American hazelnut that I have found.
Uploading: PXL_20210927_001159879.jpg… Uploading: PXL_20210927_001234374.jpg…one of my bushes from arbor day run from as big as a inch to 3/4 a inch but not all 4 bushes grow them that big as theyre experimental plants from a badgersett/ arbor day joint breeding program done 5 yrs. ago. i definitly will be rooting more of my best bush. i also put in 2 ecos bushes from Oikios and a winkler from great plains nursery last spring.
Does anyone here have any experience with the Zarnowskis’ hybrid seedling strains, “Finger Lakes Abundant” and “Cortland”? I was wondering about their nut size and blight resistance—and there’s not a lot of information about these from other growers.