Paul In Kansas you brought up trying some types from John Shereck In North Indiana for early season in dry area upland saw Sonoma Wheat so you could try that as well (if you already didn’t know of it.(
about rice Here a article about some that almost went extinct In south Carolina (golden rice)
(,and purple straw wheat is also one that list that is being saved )
These South Carolina foods were nearly extinct, but are being revived
Also Brian Ward the guy that brought that straw wheat, and other crops back into Commercial use
also made a organic Fertilizer process from bacteria found in the stomachs of cows in a bioreactor
So I hope to hear more of that as well.
Purple straw wheat (and may white/red wheat) on Golden rice Foundation (listed in Above Article)
(Ark of food slow food foundation quote to text)
(search triticum
(quote slow food foundation)
" Purple Straw Wheat (Triticum aestivum v. Purple Straw) is one of the great heirloom wheats of the Southeast, predating the founding of the United States. It is said that it is the oldest wheat crop grown in Virginia. When Purple Straw Wheat is milled, it produces soft flour with a low gluten content. This makes it a wonderful flour to use for pastries, piecrusts, pancakes, and gravies because it produces delicate baked goods. Its distinctive baking qualities are one of the characteristics that make Purple Straw Wheat stand out from other wheat varieties.
Highly adaptable, Purple Straw Wheat can be grown as spring wheat because it does not require vernalization, meaning it does not require exposure to cold temperatures in order to induce flowering. It can also be overwintered, sown in the fall and harvested in early spring to go to market. Its principle advantage over other varieties in the early 1900’s was its early maturity, and higher protein content. It is also fairly resistant to native diseases, which gives it a genetic advantage over growing other wheat varieties in the Southeast. This is also an environmental advantage, the early maturity and disease resistance allow for Purple Straw Wheat to be cultivated in a sustainable fashion, without the use of pesticides and fertilizers.
Once its growth was established in the South, Purple Straw Wheat remained fixed in certain areas well into the twentieth century. It ceased being a crop wheat in the 1970s and 80s when the new green revolution wheats became widespread. These hybrid varieties outcompeted Purple Straw in the market, and thereafter it was a considered a rare heirloom variety, grown solely in patches in its old cultivation area. Despite its advantages in both genetics and taste, this historic variety was replaced by conventional wheat crops.
The preservation of the most ancient and enduring grains employed in America is one of the first level priorities of anyone concerned with protecting agricultural and culinary heritage. Cereals supply the staples of local cuisine – the breads, porridges and brews – the ones that have shaped the taste of foods for centuries in the southeastern region and the ones most in need of advocacy. Purple Straw Wheat is one of the great heirloom wheats of the Southeast, and it deserves to be restored it to the American table.":