When is too late for copper and dormant oil?

Ask and ye shall receive really is the rule of thumb around here, and I very much appreciate it, so thanks all of you! @clarkinks links were especially helpful, so thanks for that! Also, for others who may see this thread and be in a similar situation, I also found a really good old thread right here on GF.org which was very helpful to me and likely would be for others who are running late this year:

BTW, the good news is the vast majority of my trees are still within the guidelines for both sprays, so if I get them done in the next couple days I’ll be able to have most of my trees treated, with the exception being apricots and most plums. I think I may stil spray the trunks and first bit of lower scaffolds that don’t have leaves or blooms. Maybe that will still give me a LITTLE protection.

Thanks again

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