White trunk paint vs green or brown

Haven’t tried…but my guess is some success but not a high percentage can be obtained.
Grafting and budding are possible, too.

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@Auburn: I’ve spray painted the SW side of my little trees with white or gold paint against possible sunscald in winter. Both did the trick, although we don’t always get sunny temps around 0° over snowpack.



What type of fruit trees are the ones need to be painted white? Thanks

Around 30 years ago I used outdoor light blue latex paint and thinned it with water.
Painted apple trees. Then began marking other trees with it that I didn’t want to disturb as I cleared some forested land.

The idea is to prevent frozen bark from expanding in winter sunlight and cracking away from the wood of a tree. So you need light colors…white being the lightest.

I’ve since ignored this advice, figuring it was only of small benefit.

A greater help is planting the same side of a tree toward the south as faced that direction in the nursery or wherever it was before planting it. The shaded side of a new plant suddenly turned into the sun plus the winter freeze/thaw and the dark color of the bark…and bark pops off or at least cracks…at a worse rate.

Have you seen this thread. It has a lot of good info.

Re. What fruit trees to paint, I think any trees that could get sun scald damage should be painted.

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I painted all the trunks of my young trees. I thought it would look weird but it’s not an eye sore at all to me.


No I haven’t seen it, thanks for pointing out! I’ll check it out. Thanks @mamuang

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Go Natural Paint (http://gonaturalpaint.com/) is the only tree paint that my local nursery offers, and is brown. I haven’t tried it yet, so can’t comment on effectiveness, but I do try the nursery.


Its an « Anduze » pot made in the town of Anduze in southern France. They have been made with same design since the reign of the Louies. They were originally made for Versailles. Each is hand made. They are quite strong. Hope the survive the cooler temps.


Just wanted to thank everyone for their input on this thread. As is the case with most things there are several ways to achieve an outcome. I didn’t need a gallon of paint but it only cost about $10.00 and they brought it to me. If I understand correctly I can apply it as it comes from the can or dilute with water. The goal is to reflect light/heat. I’m in the process of moving trees from one location to another and I don’t know which direction they were originally so hopefully the paint will help reduce sunscald. Thanks again and any additional suggestions are welcome.


I understand that trees painted white helps with against sun scold and winter damage. Also that at some extent helps from rodent damage! that’s the main reasons why folks paint the fruit trees! Is there other reasons why fruit trees needed to be painted? Does the paint helps against borers? Or any other insects? Should all different fruit trees needs to be painted?

Some research showed that it helped protect apples against borers if not too thin.

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Well, if paint will help protect against LOCUSTS, then I may look for a gallon somebody brought back and marked 75% off and try it again after 28 years of not using paint.

Cicadas? It might work if you dip the whole tree :slight_smile:


Have you read this?

Pests and Diseases Guide - Fedco Trees.

It is supposed to deter apple borers.


No I haven’t! Thank you for pointing out and the link!

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I’m just realizing the potential benefits of painting the trunks. The link was interesting and I think that the paint would have prevented some damage to my tree trunks.


I have read Fedco’s suggestion for several years but have not got around to buy the compound. I have just used latex paint and water. This coming year, I will…

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I painted two trunks today with latex/water and it went on easy. The small 1" brush was a little slow and I will probably start using a long nag roller going forward.

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