Who is Harry & Davids? Why are their pears special?

My take on this is that some people will pay for premium fruit. America has become an economic powerhouse partially by producing food through industrial farming methods that make food cheap and allow us to spend a lot of money on other things, including a lot of nearly worthless and environmentally poisonous garbage, overpowered vehicles and the rest of it. Meanwhile, the actual taste of our agricultural products tends to be mediocre, at best. Not just the produce in stores but even our cheap chickens and eggs. Beef is another story.

Now there is a growing business of companies that sell very high priced fruit that is often better than what is available at grocery stores. What a great gift fruit is- if you donā€™t want to eat it at least it decomposes without releasing toxic chemicals for centuries.

Some of my customers get a kick out of giving the fruit from their trees as gifts when I make sure the quality is better than can easily be purchased in stores.


I would argue the built in America tag is such a good tag because they are often built to last and that has helped America out. Often times American products have lifetime warranties while places from China or other countries outside Europe and America fail to cover the quality and warranties. I would argue most of the environmentally poisonous products come from places like China, Japan, Taiwan, India or many of these other countries that make products to break but are cheaper than American and European brands so people buy them. That made us strong as well as the fact we were the best in tact country after World War 2. In terms of fruit quality for gifts we are not the country known for it. Japan is known for this trend. Japan will sell a mango for 75+ dollars but put it in the most optimal conditions. There is also the strawberries you give as a gift in Japan and they will pay 15+ dollars for a strawberry.

No, it was not a quote from the Bible. Anybody who knows the Bible would know that is not out of the Bible. But that was quite a rant of hate towards a group there. Please refrain from expanding to your rant on hate for Islam and Jews.

And it is clear that you got defensive because I shared something about what a gift is about and how it is to bless the giver and receiver, which explains perfectly now why you have a hard time with receiving a gift of food from a corporation from your family member, and why you cannot understand why your family would not behave how you wanted them to.

It also shows that we will not be able to explain to you why your behavior is uncomfortable, and why ā€œtheir pears are specialā€. You do not listen well.

We have different opinions on many subjects. Opinions differ. I did not specifically mention the Jews or Islam anywhere in there and a rant on that would surely be reported and taken down. These comments could. It is clear we will not agree on this subject that I agree. Particularly when you misrepresent my argument.

You represented yourself in your anti Christian anti Bible hate rant quite clearly. One should never feel safe to hate on any demographic online, not just worry about which one can get away with.

I see no reason to continue the thread. This was supposed to be about pears, and gifts. Iā€™m not interested in hate speech threads. Goodbye.

Hopefully we can all go back to the topic of the thread now.