Was anyone able to try a ‘Valdivia Yellow’ quince?
Is it really yellow on the inside like the one pic I’ve seen of it suggest?
I got two red quince Kirmizi Ayva, a turkish variety. I will get one kuganskaya too.
I still couldn’t find the crimea variety to buy in europe. If any one knows it please tell me…
And any one knows the Cukurgobek and the Muskatnaja variety and if they are good to eat out of hand?
If you contact me in December I should be able to send you scionwood of Crimea.
Thank you very much!
“Crimea” is not the actual cultivar name, but rather a trade name used by a prominent nursery in the United States in an effort to have market control. I would imagine in Europe this cultivar might be circulating under its actual cultivar name which is ‘Krymskaya’.
Even so i’m not finding it, but one member of the forum will send me scions…
Yes, Johann,
I believe that in Russia, both Kuganskaya and Crimea are called Krimskaya.
They are my two favorite varieties, and I can’t tell the difference in taste between them.
John S
Even in America I use the name ‘Krymskaya’ because “Crimea” is just a trade name. Funny thing about trade names is that the trade name owner can change which plant they use the name for if they want. Why? Because it isn’t the actual name for the plant, but just marketing.
John, I assume that’s the variety you gave me rooted cuttings of, and I’ve rooted it as well.
It seems to be successfully hosting loquats, and Taylor’s Gold (a russeted sport of Comice), plus Pineapple quince as a rootstock. Strangely, Smyrna grafted to it isn’t doing as well as those other fruits.
Yes, Crimea. I can’t tell you how many pears I’ve grafted to it. Make a new tree by planting a pruned branch.
John S
Crimea = Krymskaya = Krymsk = Aromatnaya
I’ve seen it under Aromatnaya here in EU before. I have it here in Ireland if you can’t find it anywhere (though don’t know much about sending scions).
Mines a healthy grower, put on fruit the first time this year, but they all dropped. Either young age, or the super dry conditions.
It’s in many UK nurseries too… But Brexit…
Thank you very much, but brexit is not helping much… it’s not easy to get things from UK.
They refused the offer to keep old plant passport arrangement, so they self sanctioned all nursery trade. I think it’s totally impossible now.
Hopefully the name Aromatnaya will help your search.
I replaced UK nurseries with French and German. The French are really good. Quince = Cognassier in French.
I read that aromatnaya is not the best… i already got Kuganskaya and Kirmizi ayva red quince .
It’s easy to find documentation to show that “Crimea” is just a tradename for the cultivar ‘Krymskaya’, but do you have a source for the claim that it is also the same as the cultivar ‘Aromatnaya’? I have both ‘Krymskaya’ and ‘Aromatnaya’. Although I have not yet tried fruit from ‘Aromatnaya’ I would have felt confident that it is a different cultivar than ‘Krymskaya’ as it seems to have less susceptibility to leaf spot here than the latter.
What you’ve written here jibes with my experience. I was surprised to see the assertion that Aromatnaya is the same as the others.
I’ve tried both fruit, but not side by side. Having done that did not change my belief that they are different varieties, although the notion that they might be wasn’t on my mind at the time.
Anyone have any varieties they are growing without FB showing up? Want one, but everyone says they are FB magnets.
This Google search will show a variety of UK, French, and German nurseries claiming Aromatnaya = Krymsk.
Obviously they could be wrong. I don’t pretend to make any claims more conclusive than this or to have done a genetic analysis or anything.
The nursery I bought mine from claimed the same, primarily calling it krymsk. Two observations so far. The fruitlets were globe shape before they dropped. It’s definitely self fertile as I only have 1.
I dont know anything about ‘Krymsk’. My request was with regards to the claim that ‘Aromatnaya’ is the same as ‘Krymskaya’.
There are at least 4 distinct quince varieties which include “Krymskaya” as part of their names:
Крымская Ароматная - Krymskaya Aromatnaya - Crimean Aromatic
Крымская Ранняя - Krymskaya Rannyaya - Crimean Early
Изобильная Крымская - Izobilnaya Krymskaya - Prolific Crimean
Яйцевидная Крымская - Yaicevidnaya Krymskaya - Egg-shaped Crimean
Which one of them is the one marketed as Krymskaya / Krymsk / Crimea is unknown to me.
As for Aromatnaya being the same as Krymskaya / Krymsk / Crimea. There is a distincs variety called just Aromatnaya, different than Krymskaya Aromatnaya, so who knows.
Here are the descriptions and genuine images of Krymskaya Aromatnaya and Krymskaya Rannyaya directly from their breeder:
Krymskaya Aromatnaya Сорт айвы Крымская Ароматная | Никитский Ботанический Сад
Krymskaya Rannyaya Сорт айвы Крымская Ранняя | Никитский Ботанический Сад