I am absolutely no expert on muscadines. It is a bit of a story why the ones that I had started growing at my house ended up not being ones that I got a chance to grow (to shorten it, divorce got in the way), and so I am just now growing them again, but I think that part of what you are seeing is the difference between a casual grower and a professional grower. When I drive through North Georgia and see the boutique vineyards I know that there is a lot of time and money tied up in the creation of those trellises, whereas the back yard and side yard ones are at people’s homes. Those people aren’t trying to turn a profit, and don’t need to maximize productivity. They also likely haven’t done a ton of research on what is the best design. I do intend to use the same trellis design as are used at some commercial vineyards. You will need to scroll down a bit to get to the meat, but here’s a short discussion of it: