Why my plum tree is lazy to bloom?

My first euro plum was an Italian prune-plum. I had to be so patient. It took seven years for it to set a proper crop. I took pictures of the giant load of plums on the tree. Since they are not really sweet and a primarily a cooking plum it wasn’t exciting to many, but to me the seven year wait was worth it. That is now 11 years ago and the tree gives fruit every year! But Euro plums are like that. My Bavay Green plum, sent as a whip, 8 years ago should do really well this year for this first time. The humidity is my biggest enemy as it breeds black knot and the insects love it too! I am just patient for what I want. I have waited six years for my Tomcots to produce and this spring hopefully, if we have no major freeze coming our way, will have been worth the wait as well. The Harglow is still behind the Tomcots. My peaches have masses of buds this year. I have learned in the past number of years, that means nothing. The Montmorency cherry looks great with many buds as well. And. . . My plums are on citation.


I don’t mind waiting as soon as I know I am not messing it up :grin:

I using open vase pruning with my plums. I also like way the plum trees look with this type of pruning. I would cut off shoots after the summer that had grown about 4-5 feet in one summer. Take them off.

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