Highly recommend you check out this post first The best 96 pages on growing fruit I've found!. Then check out this post on how to graft those big wild callery pear trees in the future Top working Pears weather permitting. Here is a great post to get you started grafting First time grafters: what's working, what isn't?. Your sitting on a lot of potential fruit. Dont worry about never grafting before as you look through a few posts like this one 2016 graft thread you will see it’s not as hard as it sounds.those big callery pears are especially valuable because you would be eating pears from those within 2 years. Don’t worry about interstems and all that the first time you graft. Get some Duchess or Douglas scion wood or any disease resistant pear wood and start grafting and see what happens. Chances are if you graft 100 trees as is 50 will take grafts with little to no extra work the first time you try it. 2 years after you graft when you eat your first pears it’s a pretty satisfying feeling.