Worth trying American persimmon?

I have found the quantity / duration of sprouts from the rootstock varies from year to year
I mostly do chip budding,
last year , for some reason ,?
I had very few sprouts from the rootstock.
Most years I have “many”,sometimes for 2 months or longer.
So in general I agree with @cousinfloyd, that persimmon often sends out more root sprouts , and it is more important to remove them for success . (More than other things )

So the rootstock plants I ordered are from the MO state nursery. Does anyone have experience with them to know what size they’ll be when they come? I’m wondering if I need to grow them out for a year or should I look for some scion wood for next spring?

I don’t know anything about the MO state nursery, but I can’t imagine that they’d be too big to want to wait one more year, and I’d expect you’ll probably get better grafting results if you graft onto established and more vigorously growing rootstocks, both in terms of percentage takes and in terms of how quickly and well the grafts grow (and therefore how soon you start getting fruit.)

3 of 4 years from MO. I got mostly 1/8" between the root collar and up to an inch above it. Only 1-year did I get quite a few 1/4" seedlings. You should expect 5-6 seedlings to be 3/16ths in a 25-bundle.


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