Would romance cherries pollinate nanking cherries?

got a Adirondack gold apricot growing right near my nankings. wonder if they would cross pollinate?

Russias cold weather crops breeding program is leaps and bounds ahead of North Americas. sad its so hard to get stuff from there released here. its faster than it was 30 yrs ago but still takes 10-12yrs to reach here.


Iā€™ve had a Carmine Jewell for 7 years. It gave me a good crop when it was 3 yo. That year, I got rid of my nanking cherry because it suffered from pocket plum. I never had a good crop since. I also have Evans, but they donā€™t bloom at the same time. Evans does set fruit, but not Carmine Jewel. So my hypothesis is that Nanking cherry was pollinating Carmine Jewel. I now have Romeo, Juliet and Cupid, but they didnā€™t start blooming yet.


I bit ago I found this chart on the cross pollination of the prunus family. It includes the usual suspects plus a few more obscure links. I have no clue as to the accuracy, it doesnā€™t list any sources.

On a related tangent I got a Sapalta plum last year. Apparently this is a hard one to cross pollinate. I planted it next to a very sad Kuban Comet but the blooms donā€™t seem like they will overlap much. There is nanking about 75 feet away, maybe that will help. There is also a number of other sour cherry bushes around, they are not listed as cross pollinators but you never know.


thats good to know. hopefully my c.j will pollinate my lone nanking. :slight_smile:

if this chart is true, i should have pollinators for my Nanking and Wanetta plum. hopefully some of them will get black ice too. im surrounded with pin and chokecherry. i grafted Canadian plum to several of them but havent been around to check to see if i have takes.

I have a blooming Nanking but who knows what sort of fruit will come out. As Iā€™m sure you know Nanking cherries are not a variety, they are an entire species. I have come across several fruits with quality and size all over the place.

I recently sourced a white Nanking and just noticed the purple leaf sand cherry blooming. Hopefully those will figure something out, and help my sapalta along.

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If the deer hadnt done some serious browsing on my Ian and my Jules i probably would have gotten some fruit this year. Had a few blossoms but no fruit set. Just added Gabe so lets hope for next year.

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Well this is going to be interesting I planted 2 Manchurian apricots next to 5 Nankingā€™s and Meder cherries. Apparently nankings can pollinate Manchurians. I wonder what that child fruit would be like.