Yes. Just wait until it’s warm/hot to do so. Persimmons like the heat for grafting. And also make sure to rub off any growth that starts to appear under the graft.
thanks, I just found the scion wood for those persimmons for sale on another forum category, so I wanted to add them and some jujubes and paw paws, to their respective trees, of course.
Hi Jim,
A few things I would do:
- know the rootstock of a mother tree (I killed on cherry tree on Krymsk 1 which did not like to have more than a couple of grafts on)
- Put a mother tree in a sunny location and gives it a good space (my trees are very close to and shade one another)
- Know the vigor of the varieties you want to graft. Vigorous grafts could take over and not allow the less vigor to compete. (I used to have a 3 in 1 apple. Golden Delicious took over, the other two barely grew)
- Limit number of grafts per tree. How I can manage 15 grafts on my one pear tree or 30 grafts on my apple tree is a good question. Greed is not good
Hope this help.