Polls: Favorite Fruits Polls (VOTE!)

cherimoya is more zesty, with a delightful sweet-sour flavor, while sugar apple is very sweet(aptly named) and has a complex flavor all its own. Both are absolutely delicious!

the supposed hybrid-- atemoya, is another gem, and i really can’t say which, among the three, would be a favorite.

It is like being asked which song would be one’s favorite. There’s often quite a number that anybody can’t just mention one.

pawpaws are good, but its three tropical cousins, when picked at their prime, have few peers.

@Vohd, thanks for petitioning to include my ‘surname’ :grinning: in the polls, but have to concede, a cherimoya at its prime is still ahead by a country mile vs any in the list, persian mulbs included.

it is a bit unfair, almost similar to some schoolyard bullying, like shaq inviting himself to a middle school scrimmage and summarily blocking everybody’s attempts to shoot, and dunking on the kids everytime

also, there aren’t many people in usa who’ve ever tried prime cherimoyas. Even persian mulbs are practically unheard of.

While I believe the flavor of a custard apple must be fantastic hence all of the worshipers I’m sure it would not be my favorite. I would not care that much for the texture. My favorite things in life are crisp and juicy rather than sweet and custardy

Overconsumption of Cherimoya and Soursop (especially the juice) are the leading cause of Atypical Parkinson’s Disease.

Those of you that have selected other care to mention what variety you prefer

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So what if they choose other? It is a favorite fruits poll after all, not a favorite variety poll…right?

? It’s both. Question 1 asks what your favorite fruit is. The remaining questions ask about favorite varieties. I asked about the “other” response just to determine which good varieties I left off.

yeah…you’re right. Compiling a decent list for apple would be pretty tough. I think in the beginning, apple wasn’t even a category…was it?

Apple was in the favorite fruit category and it is currently leading the poll. But I never created an apple specific category just because of the sheer number of them.

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Maybe the admins can convert it to a Wiki-type post and people can add their favorite apple to build the list if not already on it.

After 5 days here is where the polls currently stand. Those Arctic series nectarines sure are popular.

1 Apple
2 Peach
3 Persimmon
4 Sweet Cherry
5 Nectarine

Euro Pear
1 Comice
2 Bartlet
3 Magness
4 Bosc/Ayers

Asian Pear
1 Korean Giant
2 Chojuro
3 Shinseiki/Shinko
5 Kosui

1 Emerald Beaut
2 Satsuma
3 Beauty
4 Laroda / Methley

1 Red Haven
2 O’Henry
2 Elberta
4 Arctic Supreme
5 Saturn/Loring/Galaxy

1 Blenheim
2 Tomcot
3 Orangered
4 Chinese Sweet Pit / Early Blush

1 Arctic Jay
2 Arctic Glo
3 Arctic Blaze
4 Honey Royale
5 Arctic Queen

1 Flavor Supreme / Flavor King
3 Flavor Grenade
4 Flavor Queen / Flavor Finale

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IMO nectarines would rank higher relative to other fruits but many people can’t grow them. Or if they do grow them don’t have the conditions to maximize eating quality. Within the nectarine category the Arctic series is much more widely available than the Honey series. People can’t like what they haven’t tried.

The same holds true in other categories. Redhaven isn’t the best peach but is grown by many people.

Most of the country is much better suited to growing apples than nectarines or even some of the other fruits. Apples grow pretty well humid or dry, hot or cold. Not so with many other fruits.


Same could be said for mangoes if we could grow them. Lychees, mangosteens and durian would probably all be rated higher by many compared stonefruit/apples…

Richard, do you know if there have been followup studies in addition to the ones in Guadeloupe?

Yes, there are published studies. Also, I have met a few folks suffering from the condition. :frowning:

Sorry to hear that @Richard . It’s a terrible disease. I’ve read some studies regarding the Guadeloupe cases but not carefully enough to know the latest. In the ones I read, many of the subjects made tea from the leaves so it was hard to say from those if the fruit alone is really a problem.

I hope I can finally taste some Emerald Beaut this year. My graft is getting mature enough and has a few more fruits this year than last year (unlike other plums which besides Shiro are all down on setting amount).

I agree with Fruitnut that these polls give the most common varieties a large advantage. My favorite pear is Magness but I only found it once commercially and is hard to grow (I finally have a few fruits this year!).

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I’m not sure that people really would like mangos or whatever better if they could grow them. In the Philippines apples are sought after as are grapes and considered more of a fruit for the “wealthy” as opposed to the mango which is considered fruit for the commoners. It grows everywhere.
I think a lot of this all relates to the fact that things which are harder to have or obtain are more coveted.
There is also the grass being greener on the other side psychology.

One persons idea of a “favorite fruit” might be the one that is really good and that he or she can grow, or has ready access to. As fruitnut said, that happens to be apples for a lot of us. Apples have a distinct advantage over many fruits in that they are transportable and can often be stored for long periods.

I do really like mangos though, so who knows?

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I am 100% sure you are right about this. We all really do think the grass is greener on the other side and we want most those things that are harder to get. One week I find myself wishing I was in a much cooler zone so I could grow sweet cherries, the next week I wish I was in a much warmer zone so I could grow citrus like honeybells or even pineapple. I’m sure people in both those areas sometimes wish they had my climate for growing things that do well here.


i agree. your short list of tropicals is hard to beat, if only many people in this country have ever tried them(and if ever, in prime conditions). Many who get acquainted with tropical fruits get to taste those which have traveled thousands of miles, harvested before peak maturity(to minimize quick ripening and spoilage), and sold at 10x the price of peak local produce, so it is easy for people to say the taste is not even worth it.

taste is subjective, of course. And not just subjective, but subject to so much personal investments/dedication-- the planning, the efforts, and the costly expense of growing them. We see innumerable posts about too much cold/humidity, too much heat/low humidity, greenhouse maintenance/expenses, having to battle late frosts, pests, etc, so whatever it is that each of us has managed to grow to perfection in our locale, each tends to claim as being THE best, and can’t possibly be dissuaded

only to be dismissed by the lucky(braggy)folks who grow top tropicals with hardly any sweat/expense/worries, growing them in hawaii, puerto rico, and in the warmer areas of so cal/ florida…