I have a 10 year old Pomegranate tree that was planted by the previous owners of the house we live in. It has one very successful branch that produces about 20 pomegranates a year, but the rest of the branches don’t produce any flowers, and don’t seem to look the same as the flowering branch. The flowering branch is rough and has lots of little rough stems on it. The other branches are smooth. I cut almost all of the smooth branches back this winter, and fertilized twice with fruit tree fertilizers in the spring and summer. Any idea why these branches are not flowering?
From your description, it sounds like two different plants grow in the same hole and only one of them is a pomegranate. Photos would be helpful to pinpoint the issue.
Good insight Stan, thanks. Based on the base of the trunk there might be 2 or 3 trees growing. I don’t know how old this tree is, it was here when we moved in. All the leaves look exactly the same. Are there some varieties of pomegranates where some fruit and some do not? All the info I have was a tag that said wonderful pomegranate below the mulch. Adding multiple replies to add more photos.
Everything looks like a normal pomegranate. I’m not sure what you meant by “The other branches are smooth”. On pomegranate, young growth is smooth, then it lignifies during the season.
On the first photo it looks like the branch grew around some tape but this does not seem to cause girdling.
On the second photo, fruit can be seen in several areas on the tree, not just on one branch.