16-Year-Old Filipina is Recognized for Discovering Aratiles Fruit as Possible

Who is coming after people using corn syrup?

Never said it wasn’t, and no that does not make me proud. It’s the world, not just the states.

We are there with the daily fake news Real news is suppressed already. But in the age of information, you can’t hide the truth like they did in the past.

Who says I’m for capitalism?

This is my problem, that you equate corn syrup to dioxin. That is your words, I never commented on dioxin, and I never expressed this “as my logic”
To me you are trying to deflect from my point. You want me to defend something I never said. Why would I do that? I have no interest in debating all i was doing was expressing my opinion. As you were doing. I know better than to try and convince anybody of anything. People need to figure it out themselves.
I understand your frustration. Change is slow, as it should be. Let’s get it right. Banning corn syrup will not solve the problem of obesity or diabetes in Canada. It only limits the consumer. People who tend to overeat will not be helped. My beef is this is not helping them, it just has the appearance of doing so. If I’m wrong I would be for a ban, but I see it as the person has the problem, like a hammer can kill people (I think it is right up there with guns, well no, I think more die from hammers? I would have to check that) yet can be a very constructive tool. It’s how it’s used. Same with corn syrup. When something proves helpful I’m for it. Like back up camera’s in cars has decreased accidents from backing up tremendously. This has proven useful, and should be mandatory in vehicles.
If consumed in moderation I feel corn syrup is perfectly fine. I feel the jury is out on how dangerous it is, if at all? We know dioxin is dangerous. It has clearly been proven to be.
I myself feel carbs maybe the culprit to the increased diabetes not sugars. Most who drink 8 cokes a day also consume massive carbs. I’m not convinced they have the right suspect. I would like to see more research. Plus I tend error on caution but the world is nuts if you ask me. When the building block of all known life in the universe is now considered a pollutant. Ever since science has been weaponized I have little faith in our institutions these days.


You said there was a slippery slope and you were worried about your berry syrups, which also sound very good and i bet do not have the same glycemic reaction to people as HFC’s

Your discourse above seems very much for and defending our current Robber Baron system. You made the argument that we are stopping choice by not allowing High fructose corn syrup. Fructose and all other sugars would still be allowed. I definitely conflated dioxin and high fructose corn syrup but one actually causes more damage to us than the other and its the one that regulations protect and keep in our food supply chain in my opinion. If you are not for our current system what would you like to see happen?

Richard, the subject of personal freedom and the freedom of corporations to do what they want for profits is so conflated in our country that those who speak about personal freedom no longer have any idea what they are talking about, IMO.

Culture is a collective force that can easily be manipulated by advertising. If there is any one realm in which the United States has led the world it is in consumer culture led by advertising- which is the steering of culture for the financial gains of the advertiser.

When my child watches a television show that has seductive ads that virtually brainwash my child to equate happiness itself with consuming excessively sweetened breakfast cereals and a patty of ground beef on a white bread roll with peeled potatoes fried in grease and swallowed down with carbonated corn syrup, that child is experiencing Drew’s definition of freedom. The little plastic toy the child gets for eating this poison food is a bonus!

After all, the parent can make the kid watch Sesame Street or turn off the TV and then keep their child from visiting friends who watch such things. Freedom!

Now the kids that get exposed to most of this propaganda are the children of single parent households that spend much of their time parked in front of a TV set being indoctrinated by corporations seeking to create lifelong customers for their products- these corporations don’t worry too much about how long those customers live- their focus is much shorter term than that.

Canada has single payer healthcare so taxes directly pay for it and every citizen is entitled to receive it. They are forced to realize that public health is something like a business in which healthy people represent success. So the government intervenes when corporations threaten public health for profits. Their system of paying for health care makes it obvious when businesses are hurting the health of the public for the profits of shareholders.

So they wind up paying half as much for health care as we do, making their products more competitive globally along with all the other benefits from these savings, while they live longer and healthier lives than us.

They have the freedom to vote out their health care system and to stop the government from regulating corporations that threaten the health of their children with their products but they choose not to.

Here, corporations have the freedom to supply money to politicians who will support their agendas and also to invest billions of dollars in think-tanks that create propaganda even beyond normal advertising to convince people to think like Drew.

Corporate farms even enjoy the subsidies of taxpayers to produce corn syrup.

Their opposition is extremely underfunded in comparison.

Freedom. You know, like the jungle.

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I go over to Canada and buy my soda (though I drink more unsweetened tea than anything). The science is quickly piling up to show that HFCS is a bad thing (look into the mercury contamination issue alone) and the beverage companies (though there are others as well) seem slow to make changes.

Assuming that market forces will force a change sooner or later assumes that most consumers are well informed. This is rarely the case.

Fluoride in water is another instance in which the science seems well ahead of the awareness…Though here in Michigan a bigger problem is lead in drinking water.

Try finding non-sugar-free gum in the states. I’ve pretty much given up on chewing gum as my choices have dwindled to pricey alternatives (Xyletol) and artificial sweeteners (and most wide-marketed commercial gums have 2-3 different ones)

I will say that when government picks winners and losers (like HFCS and ethanol) or whether big-business does it (like removing iodine and replacing it with bromide and trans-fats) without offering freedom of choice that we all lose.


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I think you really hit the nail on the head here Alan. What i think is most important is that we get money out of politics. Right now if you want a voice in America you start a corporation. The amount of propaganda and false choices (two sides of the same coin options) to influence and being directed upon us is immense. I believe giant monopolies have bought into all of our systems and there goal is for us to have multiples of the same option and all of our money trickle and pours up into the 0.0001% pocket. Our politicians are so cheap that its a bad investment for companies or countries to not purchase them and we end up seeing the US military working for the saudi arabia (Really just one prince) and Isreali (Really just netanyahu and the warmongers) interests. We have a lot of land and natural resources to just allow corrupt paid hacks to sell and give away and the exact same thing is happening to our health, our food system and our freedom of choice options.

I wonder why we allow the anti labeling laws, my goal is for consumers to have choice and i think you should know if they want you to eat chicken from China without your knowledge. I dislike our international trade policies especially with China but China did not steal from us the PsuedoUS International Corporations gave them all of our technology, info and equipment to capitolize on there cheap labor and they are somehow mad that the Chinese have cut them out of the equation. However our trade tariff war was done stupidly, no manufacturing jobs came back if the tariffs had went into places a year in advance with warning, manufacturing and other options could have come back to the table. Its more than likely that they just did not give enough corporations and money to trump and he wanted to punish them since saudi arabia turkey and isreal paid him more. Trump has allowed Chinese chicken to be sold to us consumers for the first time ever in one of his many attacks on US farmers, However he does not need to attack US farmers because just a few chicken corporations run all the us chicken farmers as indentured serfs who make less than minimum wage. These corporations also have board members who sit on every major broadcasting network as well as many pharmacuetical boards, its a small world for the elite.

This is why I cannot support any candidate that is supported by big money, its because they are bought and paid for already.

I see the answer to insulin in medicare for all or a single payer system. Otherwise you have people that just use the “lamborghini” argument for poor people not making good choices and not being able to afford insulin. I don’t think its easy for them to equate living on less amount and that 450 a month and then having to buy more expensive food is almost too much for most people to handle and afford. The danger with our current system is if you back people into a corner they may come through you. I don’t see many good options for many people out there and i do not believe we are encouraging good general knowledge around food. I do believe under a medicare for all and a single payer system that gave enough people a voice and choice we would be able to set a few universities and medical and social researchers into researching the best ways to deal with diabetes in less than five years we would have a radical change.

@Chills I also feel a lack of choice when it comes to decent options for food or snacks on the go. I do believe what happened in michigan is happening all over and i think in the next few years unless they keep silencing the science we will test all of our water supplies and find lead in so many older cities.

Well this did switch to quite the political discussion Alan so i guess you had good foresight there :grinning:

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