I took me a weekend off from Anesthesia and installed by myself a 18 inches by 20 feet corrugated culvert pipe and connected a total 200 feet at the new acreage house so I can build a garden on top of it when the builder grade the backyard and back fill it for me. That was a big task due to the wet clay farm land. It was a heavy task of trenching and to make sure the pipes are heading down stream with a balance ruler with the bubble high on the upstream side so no stagnant water. The price of each pipe was pretty steep at $400 plus each but a good exercise weekend for me without paying a contractor to do it and save me a grand or so. Now the creek is gone and I will have a 20 feet wide by 200 feet long garden to grow until my heart is content.
Ive bèen thinking about using that same piping for my orchard entrance, but wasnt sure if i could drive my tractor over it.
If you put gravel around it and back fill dirt about 3 feet on top then you should be ok. The corrugated HDPE is road rated.
Does very much water run through that low area in a heavy rain?
One block of road with 2 street water drainage holes connect to my pipes. Good water volume in heavy rain
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Are you going to fill that area in over the piping to get a level garden area?
Yes. The builder will level backyard and use the extra dirt plus the dirt from the 40 feet swimming pool hole to bury the pipes about 2 feet above the pipe.
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@tonyOmahaz5, do you have any pictures or update on how this project is turning out?
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