2016 Harvests

Alright everyone! Time to share harvests!

Thanks to the success of the 2016 Bloom Dates thread (almost 200 records so far!), I wanted to kick off a similar thread for everyone to share harvests. I’ve already gone through old posts on Dave Wilson’s Forum, GardenWeb, and Growing Fruit, so we’re starting with about 225 harvest records already.

Similar request as last time. I’d love the following data points:

  • cultivar/variety name

  • USDA zone

  • Harvest date (multiple harvest dates are even better since I’m also hoping to calculate hang time, etc)

And, if you’re feeling especially helpful:

  • Flavor Rating (out of 5)

  • Sweetness Rating (qualitative, also out of 5)

  • Brix

  • Quantity Harvested

  • Avg weight

I’ll go first:

  • Cultivar Name: Sweet Charlie Strawberry

  • USDA Zone: 9b

  • Harvest Date: Mar 29

  • Flavor Rating (out of 5): 4/5 (surprisingly good flavor)

  • Sweetness Rating (qualitative, also out of 5): 3/5 (not super sweet, just great flavor)

  • Brix: N/A

  • Quantity Harvested: 1

  • Avg Weight: 11 grams


PS If you want to link photos, my site automatically resizes photos so we don’t blow up Growing Fruit’s server with images. Just upload and link.


I noticed some discussion around harvests on other threads. Just wanted to bump this up to the top to make sure it’s on the radar!

Sheesh with this weather I might be able to post a picture of a radish in about a month. . . :anguished:



Have been harvesting Smooth Texan one and Smooth Zest one Nectarines for the last week now. Theses have been grown in my greenhouse. I can’t beleive how early these are. This is my first year with either one. Flavor isnt bad at all and they seem to be getting better. I’m axious to see how the rest turn out. They both have acid even though smooth zest is a white flesh. Pretty cool to get April nectarines! I think next year I’ll be able to size them up a little better and get even better quality but these are not bad at all especially since they are so early.


I am so jealous. Congrats on your early nects. What an achievement.

Ditto, and I love acid nectarines! One of my all time favorite fruits! And the fact I probably will not get any this year because of the cold spring.

These two are grown in containers and moved intoy greenhouse after fruit was set. When a late freeze came I moved them inside but then right back out after the weather past. After fruit set they went inside permanently. I bet more people could do this if the had the space. The early ripeness I think are good for this set up. Gonna add some other varieties next year as well.

Matt I promise I will be the one jealous this fall when you tell us about your apple and pear harvest both of which are proving to be quite elusive to me here in Dallas.

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Began picking Desert Dawn Nectarine today :smile:

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Sharp and sunshine blue blueberries today, finally figured out how to keep the birds away!


Harvested my first Spring Satin plumcot yesterday. Haven’t eating it yet but it was softening and what a beatiful color. Can’t wait to eat it later!

I harvested all my plums, and a few peaches so far. In about a week I should have black berries ready.

Apologies for being MIA and not keeping my own thread updated! I’m in the final stages of selling our family home and can finally come up for air.

I’ve harvested the following so far this season:

Cultivar Name: Blenheim Apricot
USDA Zone: 9b
Harvest Date: Jun 15
Flavor Rating (out of 5): 4/5
Sweetness Rating (qualitative, also out of 5): 3/5
Quantity Harvested: 1

Cultivar Name: Black Beauty Mulberry
USDA Zone: 9b
Harvest Date: Jun 21
Flavor Rating (out of 5): 4/5
Sweetness Rating (qualitative, also out of 5): 4/5
Quantity Harvested: 10 or so

Cultivar Name: Babcock Peach
USDA Zone: 9b
Harvest Date: Jun 21
Flavor Rating (out of 5): 4/5
Sweetness Rating (qualitative, also out of 5): 3/5
Quantity Harvested: 4

Cultivar Name: Black Mulberry
USDA Zone: 9b
Harvest Date: Jun 27
Flavor Rating (out of 5): 4/5
Sweetness Rating (qualitative, also out of 5): 4/5
Quantity Harvested: ~15

Cultivar Name: Babcock Peach
USDA Zone: 9b
Harvest Date: Jun 27
Flavor Rating (out of 5): 4/5
Sweetness Rating (qualitative, also out of 5): 3/5
Quantity Harvested: 1

I’m going to start going through this thread and others that I’ve missed in the last month or so and build out the Garden Register database.

According to the algorithm, my Spice Zee should be ready for harvest in a few days. As of yesterday I think they still had a week or more but they’re close. http://www.gardenregister.com/garden/plant/7/