2016 Sweet Treat Pluerry bloom

I know what you’re saying when my Dapple Dandy (some members cut their trees down) and Flavor Queen fruited for the first time (often described as very bland) I was shocked at how good they were! Thanks for the report!

Weird. Sweet treat pluerry has really dense bloom for me. Every bud produces flowers. Has it started breaking buds?

Yes, but they are all leaves, no blooms.

No, both Sweet Treat and Candy Heart tend to be monster bloomers here. Notable for us (at least so far in SoCal) is they don’t seem to generate many classic Plum fruit spurs like our other plums. Candy Heart added some this winter (third leaf) but Sweet Treat (fourth leaf) still doesn’t seem to have any. Hasn’t slowed it down a bit though. Hopefully just a matter of time for you Michael. Not sure exactly where you are Michael, but this winter has been especially strange for us. Warm all winter and covered in frost this morning; doing crazy things with the bloom.

Candy Heart this morning

Sweet Treat this morning

Las Vegas yesterday afternoon (just because the view was cool)


We have had ~600 hrs of chill, 4" of snow, ice storm through Mid January; and then like a light switch relatively warm weather; highs mostly in the 70’s, some 60’s… San Antonio, Tx Area. I did stop watering early fall with below average rainfall. Don’t know if that stressed it too much. My other Pluerry, as well as pluots are in various stages of just starting bloom bud; all have blooms though. this is the only one that said “NOPE.”

Im stumped, maybe its just a young tree? Cant remember but my tree took more than 2 years before i got any fruit.

I’m guessing so as well. I record start and end bloom times for all trees, so it will be in my .xls. If it happens again next year, I’ll pull it.

Man did Sweet Treat Reward me this year! NOT getting pulled. :grin:


Looks great! Mine is just getting ready to bloom. It has a bumper crop of flowers. I hope I can keep the pc off.

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Here’s my tree. The sun just came out. It rained most of the day.


My sweet treat looks like it’s all leaf buds too! Not all are open yet but it looks like that’s what happening. Maybe it didn’t get enough sun in the fall?

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South Louisiana.

Mine is just starting bloom. It’s a small tree and not well shaped. I may even head it as time point to get a better future structure.


For sure that is not what my tree looks like. It’s all leaves so far. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Twice as many blooms today.

Because my tree is small and so are the flowers, it’s not very showy.

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