Picked these figs this morning and let my girlfriend, who knows
nothing about figs, taste them. Notice they are not labled, but the top
row from left to right is Dalmatie, Sultane, Longue D’Aot, Genovese Nero AF
Bottom row left to right is Brown Turkey, RdB, Bass Red Lebanese, BM,
Red Lebanese Bekaa Valley. Her ratings were #1 GN, #2 Sultane, and #3
Thanks for the review, always helpful! I don’t have Damatie, looks like I need it! I just got in today in a trade, De Tres Esplets. It’s an early fig, looking for a good early. I don’t really care for Florea. Teramo is OK, I like it but not great. De Tres Esplets is supposed to be darn good. Dan Foster an old timer with an amazing collection, which he has had for years says it’s in his top ten.
I had my first De Tres Esplets the other day. My tree was rooted from cuttings last year.
This first fig was small but wow, did it pack a very unique sweet flavor. I personally think it tops any Mt. Etna fig that I grow, hands down. I am eagerly waiting for next season for this tree to grow more of these figs. My wife also said that the flavor was incredible.
I got the cuttings from a neighbor whose tree is approximately 50
years old. My tree is about 8 years old, but I keep it at about 5 ft.
It pumps out the figs nonstop all season. It used to be the only fig
I grew, but now I have about 50. I keep threatening to remove it, but
the figs are so good, I’m sure I’d regret it.