For some reason, it’s hard for me to describe color, but the fire is a difference in hue. What we call fire is a brighter deeper yellow at the stem end in the background color, vs most peaches which have a duller yellow there.
Sure would be nice to see a photo of this “fire” .Edit: Oops, I see it on Mamuang’s photo. Thanks.
Somebody liked one of my posts on this thread in the last few days, which brought my attention back to it.
Sitting here today deleting some pics I took from my phone this summer for my Facebook page and noticed a good one which shows the “fire” I mentioned in Tippy’s photo.
Great picture Mark. I have noticed this phenomenon in my peaches before but I never had a name for it until now!
Great information Olpea. I like the descriptions you give each of your peaches. I have the Contender, Redhaven, and the 35-007 growing in my orchard now. I agree with the assessment you give the Contender and Redhaven. I have yet to get any peaches off the 35-007. It is still too young to produce. Perhaps next year. We had a late cold spell come through in 202o and I had virtually no peaches nor apples to speak of. It was a horrible year for the fruit growers in my area.