Today I received my 2021 order from Cummins nursery. 50 G41 rootstocks and 100 G969 rootstocks. They left Cummins yesterday at 5pm and were at my door today at noon. Granted I only live 4 hours from them, but they use UPS, which is one of the faster shippers.
The rootstocks are in great shape. Lots of roots, lots of stem to pick a spot to graft to. I thought the rootstocks I got from them last year were good, but these are 10 times better. A+ effort.
I highly recommend them to anyone looking for rootstocks for apples. I haven’t ever ordered anything else from them, but if this is their mark for anything else, I’d have no problem placing an order.
They’re solid. Real nurserymen and horticulturists who care about their plants.
I made the mistake of allowing another company who shall remain nameless, the option to ship at their discretion, so they sent it to me in February here in the Rockies with 15” of snow on the ground.
I’ve ordered a bunch of stuff from Cummins over the years. The rootstocks i got last year were just a stick with some threads of root, but I planted them and they grew very well. Everything else has looked great when i got it. I’ve never had a problem with anything they sent me, and they have a wide selection.
It’s still a little early yet to start bench grafting in my area (my opinion) so I healed them in hoping to keep them dormant for a while longer.
Was able to dig in the top 3 inches of my compost pile…thank goodness for a few days above freezing this week or I would have had to rethink my plan!
It’s a little early to be bench grafting here as well, but I said the heck with it and started anyways. It’s been getting above freezing during the day, and below at night. Maple syrup season is in full swing.
I started with my G41 rootstocks and should finish them up today. My G969 I will start tomorrow and should finish next week if i do some each night after work. I have them in damp saw dust in totes. I plan on callusing them in the same in a cool room in the house.
The nice looking rootstock I got from Cummins last month. They look like mini mops. The other I got from a “different source”. Both are G969. Even the scions from Cummins were top quality.
Cummins is the best!
I’ll try to post both pics. There’s restrictions on newb’s
Last year I got some rootstock from Cummins that looked like your second photo. But it did fine, and put on a lot of growth. (All of which was eaten after a windstorm removed its cage.)
I just grafted a new scion to it this weekend.
I also bought a couple of trees from Cummins, because I’m a glutton for punishment. One was very nice, but the other was… probably a leftover that then didn’t die. The attachment between the root and the top looks very funky. Still, it’s a tree is like to try (crimson crisp) on a rootstock is wanted to try (g969) and I’m happy to have it.