2024 winter and summer squash

well I pulled the mystery monster along with his friends today. there’s still a few out there but, one frost won’t starve me.

the little yellow ribbed one is mashed potato squash. I planted 2 and got about 10 squash off those. white and yellow from the same seed pack. also blue Hubbard of course, one massive candy roaster and a smaller one, some cushaw, and the last triamble

I got a few more of each of these, and a few black futsu this year. plus some “weirdo pumpkin” that I planted with that on the label- they’re really bumpy. saved seed from a good one I was given last year to put out as decoration but that tasted incredible.


still have 13 out there and they’re still growing. no frost yet. the dang things are still setting fruit and not showing signs of the vines dying off which is surprising. i may donate some of my candy roasters to the food pantry as they are too big for any one person. 1 could feed a family for 2-3 days.


What is everyone’s favorite way to cure and store? I’ve usually sun cured mine, wiped down with dilute apple cider vinegar, and store in crates with paper in our cellar. The cellar unfortunately stays warm even in the depths of winter due to our gas boiler system running, but upstairs will always be even warmer.


windowsill in a heap for a few weeks, then into a cool area in the basement, on a piece of wood, in a pile until I use em. it’s 55-65 in the spot I store them. by a basement wall.

pulled the last handful yesterday or day before

one last roaster,a small cushaw, unripe pumpkins,and a bunch of tiny summer squash hung on until the hard frost.


In a 30 gallon tub outside in the sun or in the garage.