2024 winter and summer squash

what’s on everyone’s plan for the year?

I start my winter squash in cups early, they can’t go out until May. my summer squash I usually start a few early and the rest directly in the soil

this year I’ve got

candy roaster, black futsu, Seminole pumpkin, triamble, field pumpkin, “Cinderella”, sweet meat

and then

crookneck (in quantity, we eat these daily all summer), white pattypan, 8 ball zuke, tromboncino

I’m looking through my seed to see what others I may try.

has anyone started their squashes yet?

the big hits for last year were the candy roaster and futsu. we did not finish our Hubbards harvest, some are still here in storage. we are all the sweet meat squash though, I made soup and there’s still a bit in the freezer

a forgotten friend

the cups are mostly squashes

about half the harvest


i like to let them climb, usually on small wire arches but this one went up the plum tree.


I follow your recommendations, and grow black futsu along with other winter squashes if I find room for them.

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I am growing sweet potatoes instead of squash of any kind.


I have been planting the larger ones in the front yard, where there’s nothing but a few trees and some wildflowers. last year I did get all my Hubbard that way. this year the pumpkins may all go out there. here’s a very old photo of jarrahdale in the front area

I have a lot of spaces out front for bigger plants like these. in my back garden there’s more other things to grow and I had to really rearrange to get some melon patch built last year. if a plant is compact I favor it

I am considering growing Black Futsu instead of our regular Waltham Butternut. Can Black Futsu easily trained up on a cattle panel trellis.

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Seminole Pumpkin & South Anna (Seminole X Waltham butternut) were standout producers here last year, despite a total failure of weed control.

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Would you comment on jarrahdale and compare the textures/taste to black Futsu please

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that’s what I do with most winter squashes including futsu

jarrahdale being a pumpkin seemed more watery to me, futsu had more solid flesh, and more nutty flavor, a bit less sweet. jarrahdale keep a bit longer though


Thanks, for this year I am thinking about to replacing waltham butternut with Black Futsu, my space allows only one large squash variety. I get anywhere from 6-8 fruits from waltham netting 30-40 lb, I am wondering if similar yields can be achieved with Black Futsu.

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I am going to try black futsu this year. Maybe jarrahdale next year. Thanks for the comments, very helpful

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they’re a lot smaller in size, I prefer them because of this as it’s just the 2 or 3 of us (if my stepson is here it’s 3) so a larger squash is too much for a meal

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