2025 - Fruit Sales - $ Pricing $

Yeah that yellow one is the sweetest variety in all of Dragonfruit land

Love it. Having so many varieties gets really challenging I bet. And yes, there are some people who have a single support for a tree, others with just wire, others with both. It all depends on the need and the available money.

I do work with local people (The ones that are curious and ask) and teach them whatever I can. And fewer actually take up the work and start. A whole lottaā€™ homesteaders out my way.

You must live in Florida now. Thatā€™s about the only state I know that can do a descent job growing Dragon fruit. ā€¦ lolā€¦ I know Filipinaā€™s. When I lived in CA I had two departments under me with nothing but people from that area; one was mostly women, the other all men. Interesting culture.

Agriculture was done for millennia before the earthā€™s population hit 8 billion.

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Iā€™m not a commercial grower, I sell a few fruit and let a few people upick my orchard. I charge $5 per pound for people who arenā€™t friends or family and free for anyone who his.


I chose to ignore the comment because you canā€™t fight ignorance. Found this little diddy thoughā€¦Population Clock

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That is an interesting source. Puts the US population growth in an eye opening view. I for one one was not aware that our population growth was so stable, disregarding migration of course which changes all the time.

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SoCal has a lot of Dragon Fruit farms

Decent channel on Youtube about Dragon Fruit:


I dont know what that clock would have read for population stability in the 1990ā€™s when I started farming but I firmly remember Monsanto and all the talking heads trying to sell us all on how they were going to feed our uncontrolled population growth and overpopulated country with their Roundup ready crops.
It may have been that, at first, most of these crops did go into the US food chain but as one thing led to the next its resulted in what we all see if traveling through the mid west, massive corporate farms of mono crops stretching for miles. The people who used to own all the many small family farms or work the infrastructure of small communities all over the mid west are gone, forced into the cities or elsewhere.
Point is, The GMO crops Monsanto brought into this country were not to help our country. They were for Monsantoā€™s corporate greed. This greed then spread out across the mid west which is now owned by cooperate interests, many of are overseas. The crops grown are in such huge amounts these days that they are mostly exported.
Most 3rd world countries are happy to get our cheap GMO crops. But wait! Turns out Mexico has banned our corn. Seems they dont like the idea of eating either GMO or Glysophate corn. Us crazy americans will eat it all day long ??? HA, HA, what a hoot!


Can anyone tell me if there is a market for unprocessed Elderberry?

Elderberry sells really well around here.

There is an Elderberry growers Co-op that is helping to create a wholesale market. Welcome to Midwest Elderberry Cooperative

I charge $25 a peck and $50 a 1/2 bushel here in Alaska. I have to turn people away as I dont grow enough for all that want. Cherries are $7 a lb and Haskaps are $7 a lb. Never raised prices for 10 yrs but might have to this upcoming season and demand has become so high.


I get stuff from Weavers shipped to me via phillyfoodworks.com sometimes. The shipping cost isnā€™t so bad.
You can see they still sell a few apples from Weavers now if you filter by fruit (and a few interesting things from MiamiFruit via them)


I donā€™t want them to go out of business so i try to promote them when i see philly people post about stuff they carry. :slight_smile: