I wouldn’t know where to buy one, but I’ve already know how I’d make one that can make cuts like that, just need to get new belts for our small milling machine.
You can probably make decent money selling modified shears like these. I’d be the first in line to be a customer…lol
Yeah, and if I got it down precise and got the imperfections worked out it would be easy to make them in large numbers, because it would already be set up. I’ll probably play around sometime eventually and try a few different designs, and see if I come up with anything worth making a bunch of.
Feb 2025 graft progress.
Multi-graft on M111 Rootstock ( Dolgo Crabapple, Rubaiyat, Wickson Crabapple & Grenadine)
Multi-graft on 3 year old Seedling
These are still putting on growth so I think they were successful!
Flavor king
I got my scions in from Etsy (I had a gift card that was burning a hole in my pocket!!). They all look good. Now I just need to wait for warmer weather so I can graft them onto the suckers I have planted outside.
I have an Elberta Peach Tree I bought at Home Depot several years ago. I want to experiment with grafting into it but the graft compatibility charts I have seen relate to the scion vs the root stock - but I am not grafting into the root stock and I don’t even know what it is. How do I check what stone fruit varieties I can graft in?
I’ve grafted and fruited what I’m pretty sure is Emerald Drop pluot to Charlotte peach and Early Laxton to Indian Free peach.
I really enjoy a good grafting thread . But with 6 inches of snow on the ground and currently 5F, I’ll be harvesting scions tomorrow. I do have 3 mazzard and 4 seedling peach rootsrocks inside breaking bud. So I can get a jumpstart bench grafting cherry and aprocoit scions recieved from members here
Any Peach,Nectarine,Plum,Pluot,Pluerry or Apricot can be grafted to your Elberta.
@murky you have had so much experience with fruit trees in this area. I would love your advice on something.
In Mar 2022 I bought an Elberta Peach tree from Home Depot. I had to prep an area for it and could not plant it until May. It bloomed in the pot that year. I didn’t know what I was doing when I bought it so I bought a tall one and most of the side branches were all trimmed off - probably the worse tree to get. Also, the place I put it does not get as much sun as I would like but unfortunately that is the issue with my entire yard.
In 2023 it struggled and got leaf curl (I know, wrong variety). I sprayed it with fungicide in the spring and winter.
2024 it was a disaster - most of the stems are really red and most did not bud/leaf and no flowers. I am not sure if I burnt it with the fungicide or it was something else.
It is currently about 7’ tall and the trunk is 1" at the base. There is a fork at about 2-1/2ft with a central leader and three branches. The branches are all acute. All are 3/8" to 3/4" diameter (including the leader). There a no live buds that I can see on anything but the new wood and the new wood is almost all at the extremities.
The condition of the tree is why I am considering grafting. I was wondering if I could create some new branches off the central leader maybe 4-5 ft up. Maybe some using the new wood that is budding. If they survive then that could be the new tree and I would prune off almost everything off. But, that is a big if since I have never successfully grafted anything.
Do you have any advice?
Are you planning to spray regularly?
if not, I would probably bark graft low to plum which is not susceptible to leaf curl. And don’t have peach leaves on that tree any more.
I only have the one tree and as long as I keep it short then I don’t mind spraying.
Could I graft cherries? What varieties?
No cherries would need an interstem. So you’d have to graft an inter-stem this year to graft cherries next year; I forget what species to interstem but someone else will know.
One of the Callery Pear suckers started to wake up. I had some scions from my neighbors old Bartlett Pear tree, so I tried my hand at a whip and tongue graft (my others were all cleft grafts due to small scions). While not perfect or pretty, the cambium lined up perfectly on one side and almost on the other side (the scion was a tad to skinny)
Yes,but like Gkight wrote,a go between,inter-stem is needed.Adara should work,for most Cherry varieties.
I brougt in some root stocks a few weeks ago to get them to break bud. I cleft grafted them last night.
Utah Giant onto mazard.
Surecrop onto mazzard.
Hoyt Montrose onto seedling peach
Robada on to seeling peach
2× Harcot onto seedling peach.
Hi Steve,it’s been awhile.Didn’t your place get caught in one of those wildfires?