25 Harrow pear varieties

I have Harovin Sundowner now with the TM of Coldsnap. I purchased it from Cummings Nursery in 2016. It has never grown well nor have Harrow Sweet and Paragon all planted in the same hole with BRM on calleryana. I have grafted Paragon on other trees with great fruit size and growth. The Harrow Sweet is prolific and was quite precocious - the fruit are quite good. Coldsnap only has a few fruit each year. I have not had enough to evaluate it fully. Neither have had significant fire blight strikes. Paragon and BRM have both had minor strikes but no significant damage.



Thanks for that update! Always good to know what im missing out on!

HW 600 unamed above
HW 601 unamed above
HW 602 harvest queen
HW 603 harrow delight
HW 604 unamed above
HW 605 unamed above
HW 606 bliss
HW 607
HW 608 delicious
HW 609 harrow sweet
HW 610 harrow crisp
HW 611 unreleased
HW 612
HW 613
HW 614 sundown
HW 615 unreleased
HW 616 harrow gold
HW 617 unreleased
HW 618
HW 619 unreleased
HW 620 unamed above
HW 621 unreleased
HW 622 unreleased
HW 623 happi
HW 624 dew drop

Clark, there are 5,384,289 pear varieties worldwide. You have only grown a few hundred of them. Buy more land, get busy, plant pears. Don’t slow down, you can’t afford to die!!!

Contemplating the duality of having an unstoppable urge to grow more pears vs the reality that God says it is appointed to man once to die.



I think you mean im only growing over a few hundred pears now. Im cutting back and grafting most over to highly fireblight resistant types. I think i have closer to 400+ pear trees in the ground. I dont have an exact count. I have around 300 BET rootstocks and various grafts, 100 on ohxf333, idk how many on harbin, ohxf87 and 97 and callery. It is a legitimate pear orchard. Most are 3-12 years old. I also had a beaver prune about 30-60 to the ground for me! I dont know how many types of pears i have grown though i believe it is in the several hundreds but not 1000.