26 degrees this morning

Frosty frosty still and clear here in rural SE Michigan. The past 2 or 3 nights were close but not as cold as last night. Any predictions on apples still hanging? Aside from scrat and press, will they keep in fridge or rot away?

No apple predictions from me.

I woke up late (almost 9AM) today and noticed the freeze warning when I logged into the computer for work. I went right outside and the peppers and eggplants were fine. The other day I woke up at a more reasonable time, about 7AM, and everything was good and covered in frost. I soaked the plants with the hose and went back inside. Today by the time I woke up it would have been too late, the sun would have already hit the plants. Hopefully I can either catch the frosts in the morning or we just don’t get any more til sometime in November. Once these plants are done we’re stuck buying eggplant at an ethnic store a few towns over until July.

I expected frost this morning in Kentucky…but failed to see any. And have seen no damage on tomatoes or sweet potatoes.
Most apples are not hurt until lower 20’s.

Hard frost/freeze coming here. Saw this thread, and decided to check. It’s already 33 here and things are getting frosted up already. I went out and saved the last of my eggplant, bell peppers, and jalepenos. There wasn’t any okra worth saving today but the plants look healthy. The bitter gourd was still thriving today, but I didn’t bother picking anything. I’m tired of eating that stuff and have a little bit frozen.The growing season’s over in southern Connecticut.

Thanks BlueBerry, you are correct - the night of 26 degrees did not hurt any. Will be watching for the lower 20’s. I have 3 trees left to come in.

I know sometimes I can be a hermit. But I’ve seen no frost yet and that’s not to say there wasn’t any.
This may be one of those years when some people have garden tomatoes in south- central Kentucky in November…like 1987.