Here is a pic of a gold rush scion cleft grafted to bud9 rootstock. There is a bud popping through the tape. The bud is on the rootstock but as you can see the rubber splicing tape has enough “give” in it to allow buds to pop through. That bud is actually popping through both parafilm and the splicing tape. That isn’t going to happen with vinyl electrical tape.
It would be interesting to wrap an entire graft with splicing tape similarly to how you would use parafilm. The two concerns I’d have would be if the tape would damage the bark during removal and also since it’s black could it cook buds/grafts during very hot weather. Might benefit peach grafts that need a little extra callus heat.
Wow, it’s got a lot of give. With the electrical tape I was using, if a bud on the rootstock under the tape grew, it would just make a large lump under the tape, which was unfortunate because the growth would detract from the scion but I couldn’t easily chop off the unwanted growth without cutting out a large portion of the e-tape. I had to rewrap one or two for that reason.
I have in the past used the Scotch version of the linerless rubber tape but but ran out and gave Temflex a try last week for a few grafts. I found Temflex to be thinner and stretchier. From my experience both work great for grafting but the Scotch tape allows you to wrap the graft tighter with more pressure and for that reason I prefer the Scotch version. They are both sold at my local Home Depot in the electrical department but the Scotch version is a few bucks more for some reason.
I think if you guys tried the silicon rubber tape you would all find it better. I just sent a few types to Danzeb. I have two types of silicon and one type of rubber similar to Temflex but manufactured in England and 1 1/2 inches wide.
If anyone has any still dormant plum, pluot scions left over I’d trade for box of tapes. I only need five, preferably different stuff than I already have. Euro or Asian…either one.
I’m curious about the silicon tape you have mentioned. I’ve read the other threads where you endorse it, but can’t imagine any measurable improvement over the Temflex rubber tape. For me, the Temflex stretches plenty tight enough to bind the graft, breaks down at about the right time so removal isn’t required, if desired, yet can be removed if desired because it doesn’t stick to the bark. Additionally, it sticks to itself, so doesn’t have to be “tied off” like other products.
I can’t think of how any other binding material would be significantly superior. Is there something I’m missing with the silicon tape, or are we simply discussing fine minutiae between these both apparently excellent graft binding materials?
I just googled silicon rubber tape. Is this what you are talking about?
If so then good lord, you can have it all to yourself That stuff is outragously expensive. 30’ of tape for nearly $60! $2/ft is insane. I’ll stick to $0.20/ft Temflex.
Olpea…I just said you would “find it better”, I don’t know about significantly superior.
If you really like Temflex then you should stick with it. For one thing, the silicon tape behaves much better when it’s cold or cool, has far greater elasticity. It will not however degrade and I’m surprised that temflex is doing that for you. I’m not a stranger to it, I’ve wrapped many rolls of it before.
Both of the silicon types I have are also fusing, just like Temflex is. All the characteristic that make them suitable for the purpose they were designed for, just so happen to be identical (more or less) for grafting, just like Parafilm was spawned in the medical industry. I also have an English version of Temflex, though I don’t think it’s as good. 3M products totally dominate the industry.
Believe me, this is much better.
I suppose we could consider discussing the difference between using Temflex and duct tape as minutia, but one works well the other would be awful to use.
Thing is, I’m offering to trade a collection of them for 5 or 6 pluot or plum scions that someone may have left over in the fridge. That’s got to be a great deal for anyone since at this point they’re likely done with the wood. If they decide they don’t like it for grafting, they can have it on hand for electrical repairs. It is the finest the industry offers.
It is expensive, but it’s nowhere near $60 roll. Amazon is ridiculous for tape. They wanted $1,340 last year for a case of 10 rolls of 36 yd. varnished cambric…also 3M. We found the identical item for $22 per roll. So $1,120 less. It was however similarly priced elsewhere on the net.
Your link is accurate though speedster…that’s the stuff. One of them anyway. The other is the same material (well similar, but much thicker. They’d probably want around $150 for it.