A different way growing figs

Growing figs inground in my zone 7a is possible this way.

Framework made with 1 1/2 “ plastic pipe. Schedule 80. Circles are figtrees. I cover figtrees late in winter, need to fully hardened before covering. Anything green will dry out and die.

It makes it easy to winterize them with leaves or straw.


Have you done this, or is it something you’re going to try?


I like the idea of spreading it out in 2 dimensions. Almost like an espalier on its side.

Also, this thread is relevant for those looking at this or similar techniques:


Yes my “step over figs “have been highly productive this year
1- 3 gal. Every two - three days. Since September.
From a ~80 ft row.
Slowing down now. Almost all have ripened.
So easy to cover for winter.
I highly recommend this method !


No, been studying this for my spring project, because my figtrees in containers getting out of hand. Age has a lot to do. Last spring I started taking trees out of pots, and in the ground they go. Each will grow with only 4 branches to train.


I don’t think it’s necessary to have that many horizontal cordons.
Mine just have one cordon in each direction,
“. They fill in nicely. “
The row ends up being 4. + ft wide with just one horizontal cordon.
I am only picking from one side, having to step into the plant to pick far side. The leafs are scratchy, would not want the row any wider. In fact I need to thin more.
A single row of cordons to cover for winter.
All uprights cut back to 2-3 buds.
Short narrow area to cover for winter protection


I only allow so much space for figs, there for I choose them to grow with 4. A total of 5 trees that’s all I need I am not surrounded by figeaters and paw paws and persimmon.Not much in spraying fruit trees.