Abbe fetel

After spending an hour looking for an answer I’d thought I’d ask here. Is it good or can be used for processing? Canning or drying or preserves? Good eating? Thoughts?

I would eat every Abbe Fetel that I could find. It is an excellent fresh eating pear. So far, AF pear is my favorite Euro pear.

I don’t know if I want to can such a fine pear, though.


Do you like it better than Comice / Taylor’s Gold?


My comice is way thumbs up they don’t last long here I really liked buttire precoce moretinni my new favorite. Abbe fetel has yet to fruit probably two more years for me. Taylor’s gold for me is a late pear be picking them this week. I have old style Bosc been eating them and drying them for over a week so good :blush:. Just looked it up I have golden russet not Taylor’s gold.
Picked harrow sweet today probably late but couldn’t do it last week due to work. One was ripe on tree not bad but not my favorite yet. Small need to be more aggressive on thinning.

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Have you seen this thread?

Store-bought vs store-bought, I love Abbe Fetel and several others.
Taylor Gold was not in the same league but if it was home grown, it could be different.

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How long does it take for AF to fruit? I have a graft that is few years old but no sign of flowers/fruit. That is my favorite pear too. I’ve only had it store bought but they are delicious.

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Thanks for the link, answered my question. I don’t remember seeing that thread, but doesn’t mean I didn’t.

I’m pretty sure I’ve had Taylor’s gold from the store at 15 brix or higher. Sounds like your samples weren’t it at its best. I’d had Abbe Fetel on my list, but took it back off. I can’t remember exactly why, but I think it had something to do with a susceptibility or perceived difficulty in growing.

Maybe I’ll topwork my Belle de Guigno if it doesn’t do better next year. My other European pears on proper European rootstocks are Golden Russet Bosc, Taylor’s Gold and Thornely. Those are all fully russeted. Plus Seckel.

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I hope someone who have fruit will tell us. My AF’s graft on a 20th century pear flowered this year but fruit dropped.

My AB tree on OHxF 87 is either 3rd or 4th leaf this year. No flower.