Acai fruit threaten the rainforest?

Acai berry craze: boon or threat for the Amazon rainforest in Brazil?

6 September 2023

World class news for the beauty and cosmetics industries

Acai berry craze: boon or threat for the Amazon rainforest in Brazil?

Premium Beauty News with AFP (Photo: © Tarcisio Schnaider / Shutterstock)

6 September 2023


Since acai rose to international fame in the 2000s, touted for its rich nutritional and antioxidant properties, it has unleashed an economic boom for traditional farmers in the Amazon region, and been lauded as a way to bring “green development” to the rainforest without destroying it. But experts say it is also threatening the Amazon’s biodiversity, as single-crop fields of acai palms become increasingly common.

Consumed without further processing, in juice or sorbet, or incorporated into the formula of certain cosmetic products such as moisturizing lotions or shampoos, açaí berries have become the darling of superfood enthusiasts around the world.

Brazil is the world’s leading producer of acai berries. Para, the source of 90 percent of the country’s crop, produced almost 1.4 million tonnes of it in 2021, worth more than USD 1 billion for the state’s economy, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). From there, acai went on to win fans worldwide, from the United States to Europe, Australia and Japan. Brazilian exports of acai and its derivatives surged from 60 kilograms in 1999 to more than 15,000 tonnes in 2021.

However, the global success of the black berries is reshaping the world’s biggest rainforest — for better and worse.

In the Amazonian state of Para during the harvest season, farmers can fill up to 25 large baskets of about 14kg each, bringing home between 300 and 625 reais (USD 60 to USD128). Middlemen buy the berries and bring them by boat to Belem, the state capital, where they are sold as quickly as possible, before the fragile fruit goes bad.

’Acai-ification’ of the Amazon

Acai production has long been presented as a model of “bio-economy”, a source of income for local populations in the Amazon without cutting into the rainforest. But studies show the expansion of acai palms (also called açaizeiros) in is causing a loss of biodiversity in some regions by replacing other species.

Leave nature to its own devices, and you get 50 or maybe 100 acai plants per hectare,” says biologist Madson Freitas of the Museu Goeldi research institute in Belem. “When you go beyond 200, you lose 60 percent of the diversity of other native species.” He has published a study on the phenomenon, which he calls “acai-ification.”

According to Freitas, the loss of other plant species in turn has a negative effect on acai, which becomes less productive because of a loss of pollinators such as bees, ants and wasps.

Longer dry periods in the Amazon, which may be exacerbated by climate change, are also hurting acai, which tends to grow on land that floods during the rainy season.

“Environmental service”

Freitas says that sustainable acai production is possible but that stronger conservation laws and policing — as well as incentives for farmers — are needed to combat single-crop farming and preserve the rainforest.

Salomão Santos, a local leader in Igarape São João, admits acai’s dominance could become a problem. “Those of us who live in the Amazon know we can’t live on one single species,” he says. He recalls the commodity booms and busts of the past, such as sugar cane and rubber. He wants compensation for local communities who preserve the Amazon, whose hundreds of billions of carbon-absorbing trees are a vital resource against climate change."

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Do they do stories on coffee being a threat to rainforests??

It’s a more un-natural ‘problem’.



I love acai but mono cropping or mono anything is never wise. The rainforest is very diverse i think the complaint is legitimate. It would be like counting on one thing for income or one thing for food. In this case acai is the income and destroying diversity isnt a great idea. Destroying the earths air filter and naive might be one in the same.

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Compose an article about the destructive practice of millions of acres of apples in monocrop fields in our country. Somebody’ll publish it!


aronia has similar nutritional profile and grows on marginal land. it also can be machine harvested. you can plant it just by sticking cuttings in the fall before the ground freezes. if there was a market for them like there is for acai, I’d buy a bunch of land and grow the heck out of them here. they are no spray and once they start losing productivity, brush hog some of them occasionally so they can renew. maybe fertilize every other year. we got lots of marginal farmland here that’s growing nothing but grass that would be great for growing them. birds dont touch them.


As much as I love the rainforest, I do lament that so much of the world acts like it’s the job of the people living there to preserve it as much as possible and that they shouldn’t use the land for farming. Meanwhile everyone else in the world gets to do what they want with their land (at least without a comparable level of criticism). How about everyone, everywhere be responsible for preserving biodiversity so the pressure isn’t disproportionately placed on certain people who have less economic options than most.


people still drink acai? :slight_smile:


Most fairminded post I’ve seen in some time on controversial subject.



Very fair point. It is easier to look at what someone else is doing wrong than correct our own forest. A diverse forest is definitely productive and for the betterment of everyone and everything. It is very hard for an eagle to live in a wheat field. They need habitat to survive. I always leave habitats for animals, but it is easier for me when i have more land than a yard.


why i like the food forest concept. you get your cake and eat it too. its win / win for everyone. not exactly a forest but better than a monocultured orchard.


True that.

But, Americans have no more right to tell the farmers in Brazil …
than they do to condemn our corn and soybean acreages.

The ‘food forest’ is an old concept…Cherokee and many native tribes used it.
But, those that talk the talk should take their city yard and convert it…and encourage their neighbors to do the same.

Practice the stuff they preach.


Amen to that ! we all need to eat.


My understanding is the Amazon is just a second grown food forest. Basically the ratio of “food” trees is unnaturally high for wild jungle. It grew like this when all the people died of old world plagues and their food forests just went wild. I believe there is little debate to this now like 10 years ago; they keep finding mega cities remnants under all the overgrowth. All littered with “crop” trees and vines. Basically the original food forest.

No real point, just super interesting to me when my brain cues out to longer time scales than my life.


And here is a link to the study referenced in the above article:


Oh, this looks like a fun and relevant documentary:

BBC Unnatural Histories - Amazon

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Actually I just saw them talking about coffee and how it’s bad because of all the co2 it causes. :roll_eyes: thought about this when I saw it.