Adirondack Gold Apricot - Any Luck?

Has anyone here had any luck with the Adirondack Gold Apricot? I can only find one reference to someone actually planting it, and they said it didn’t fruit for them. I’m planting it as an experiment regardless, I was just curious if anyone else had actually had it fruit, and if they had a pollinator for it or if it is truly self-fruitful.

Unlike in the west, apricots are not reliably self-fruitful in the colder regions, so not bearing may only be a matter of cross pollination. This article suggests that the Canadian Har series is a go in Z4, but I’m not sure this is accurated. I know that Sungold and Moongold are reputedly so. They aren’t bad but not of the fine quality as are the Har series.

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I see that St. Lawrence no longer sells Adirondack Gold Apricot or any other apricot. We’ve never had fruit from our AG, even though for most years it has had cross pollination. However, neither of our much younger other apricots have produced fruit either, so it could be location not variety that is the problem for us.

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I planted one last spring next to Brookcot. It was lonely after Sugar Pearl gave up the ghost. We will see, but it is alive after its first winter. So far for me all P. armeniaca varieties like S.P., Montrose, and China Sweet Pit have inevitably died within two seasons. P. mandshurica are the only apricots I’ve had survive here long term. I planted 100 Brianna apricot seeds last winter (P. sibirica x P. armeniaca) Every last one of them rotted in the ground. I wonder if it’s my soil, or climate, or both. All other stone fruits I have tried seem fine.