Adolescent peach

My first year getting fruit. There are seven peaches between two trees. I wasn’t sure if there would be any since I had to uproot them and pot them up. But I kept an eye on them and thinned the fruitlets aggressively and they’ve stuck to the tree, so I’m letting them hang on. Most are now about the size of, ironically, peach pits. We’ll see!


First peach harvest today! One peach from my Harvester was ready to go.

It was petite but full of flavor! My very first fruit harvest ever. :heart:

The other three fruits are hanging onto the Loring tree right beside it:

They are still green, but they should be ready in the next couple of weeks!

Incidentally, a note about chill. In my research, I found both Harvester and Loring to be often listed at requiring ~700-750 chill hours. The local weather station (about a mile or two away) reported about ~450 chill hours this last winter. One of the trees leafed out like normal, while the other struggled. I had lost track of which was which when I dug them out, so before the fruit was ripe I didn’t know, but now I can say that it is the Harvester that seems to need significantly lower chill than reported.