Advice on dormant oil +/- lime sulfer
So last week we got down to -32C and had 50cm snow so I am not there yet but spring is coming.
Last year I sprayed everything (but not grapes or rhubarb) in early spring 1 time with a mixture of dormant oil and lime sulphur. Everything did fine with that but I want to see if I am doing anything wrong or I could do better. I sprayed during dormancy 1 time in late March. I had no real disease issues other than the usual brutal Japanese beetles and a bit of CAR on some apples.
Are there plants I should not be spraying with this mixture? Are there things I should be spraying more than 1 time?
My plant list is below. I am in zone 4a/b.
Apple - Pristine - DR
Apple - Redfree - DR
Apple - Crimson crisp - DR
Apple - Liberty - DR
Apple - Egremont russet - H
Apple - MacFree - DR
Apple - Goldrush - DR
Apple - Enterprise - DR
Asian Pear - Hayatama
Asian Pear - Shinshiki
Asian Pear - Northbrite
Asian Pear - Kenko
Pear - Taylor Apple
Pear - Olympic
Plum - Toka
Plum - Superior
Plum - Kahinta
Plum - Black Ice
Chum - Kappa
Chum - Convoy
Chum - Sapalta
Haskasp - Tundra
Haskasp - Aurora
Haskasp - Honeybee
Haskasp - Borealis
Currant - Ben Cowan
Currant - Ben Sarek
Currant - Titania
Josta Berry
Elderberry - Wyldwood
Elderberry - Bob Gordon
Black Raspberry - ?
Purple Raspberry - Royalty
Grape - Sommerset
Grape - Reliance
Grape - Pink Pearl
Grape - Polar Green
Grape - Earliblue
Grape - Catawba
Grape - Concord seedless
Grape - Vanessa
Grape - Petite Jewel
Blueberries - Chandler
Blueberries - Northsky
Blueberries - Toro
Blueberries - Patriot
Blueberries - Pinklimonade
Blueberries - Duke
Cherry - Romeo
Cherry - Cupid
Cherry - Juliet
Cherry - Crimson Passion
Mulberry - Seedling
Plumcot - Taylors Gold
Rubarb - Victoria? (crown has been propagated in family for +80 years over 4 different moves!)
Rubarb - Strawberry Red
Heartnut - Imshu
Heartnut - Campbell CW-3
Medlar - Giant Breda
Medlar - Royal
Gooseberry - Black Velvet
Gooseberry - Tixia
Gooseberry - Poorman
Paw Paw - Seedling
Paw Paw - Campbell NC-1