After a mediocre fig season…

Next year(2022) I am working on a decent fig harvest. All my figtrees are geared for that year. Work is in progress now. They are extremely well fed now. My older tree’s are all topworked, winter might be a challenge. Looking forward to a good fig year and of course my citrus trees, these are the big ones.
When shopping for more containers and some fertilizer at my favorite hydroponic store,
Last year Smith. Same tree this summer. Butchered.


why is your season over already?

My main figtrees are Chicago Hardy and Smith. Pick most of them. 6 Smith tree’s in 20 gl containers, the others are in ground and were clobbered by the Polar Vortex.
Have a bunch of newer fig varieties in 10gl and 15gl squat containers.
My doctor told me on a recent visit to cool it or else. This is the reason to go with smaller containers,plus a much lighter medium. This means smaller trees.


Best of luck with next season!

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Thanks, need all the encouragement I can get.

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My season is just starting. Picked <1% of the expected harvest.

Did you heat-start your potted trees?

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Yes, a combination of upstairs garage and workshop basement/ Greenroom, filled with 14 led shop lights.


OK, that makes sense. You started way earlier, so you are ending earlier. Thx.

I’m sorry to hear that best of luck next year. I’d hate to grow all year waiting for fruit and wham gone. Seems everyone back east is having bad luck where as PNW is becoming dry California. Hopefully we’ll have rain next year. I’m already thinking about next year fruit season and this one is half over. Fingers crossed for your next season.

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