Alphonso Mango

Here is the Alphonso mango when I brought it home April 17 2023

Now here it is April 18 2024


I think I need a consultation. Mine don’t look nearly as good. My chill cycle about did mine in.

How warm was the greenhouse this past winter?


Most of my mango trees died over the winter, too. This was the first winter where I was only heating to prevent freezing, so the average low was around 40°F for awhile compared to the average of upper 40s the previous winter, and they keeled over one by one this time.

I think anything below 50°F on a regular basis is going to stress a mango a bit, even though they can handle a brief mild freeze, but after a few months of lows in upper 30s to low 40s they seem to all be somewhere between dead and very unhappy. Mostly dead.


My greenhouse was very warm especially during the day except during chill cycle. During the 45 day chill cycle lows were 37-40 and highs mostly 50-65. That didn’t kill them outright but there were streaks down the stems that were damaged/dead. In other words, chilling injury. Those temps aren’t too much different than in the central valleys of CA. CA is also wet in winter and the cold lasts longer. So the damage was more than expected.

Next winter I’ll erect a 10x20ft greenhouse over the mango. Then heat that to at least 50 at night and aim for 70s by day. That should keep them relatively happy.

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Some people heat their greenhouses using compost. :slight_smile:

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They love heat and certain varieties simply will not grow until it is absurdly hot. My nam doc mai doesn’t grow until night time temps are 65+ and they are perfectly happy at 110f during the day. My Carrie mango just set a bunch of fruit thanks to ants! Will be thinning soon.


That looks great! Nicely done!


Sorry to hear that. Out of curiosity, what varieties were you trying and what rootstocks were they grafted onto (if grafts)?


I had a lot of varieties. Some out of FL probably on turpentine. Mostly seedlings. All seemed affected about the same.


I kept it at work from Nov-sometime early March.I asked last year and the temps there were set to 68-70F . It did not grow until I put it back into my GH where it started seeing 80f+.

Shit I was just reading chill cycle! 45 days that’s why it didn’t bloom this year!


Here it is March 10 2025. For some strange reason it flowered early Nov. I was away and they dried out. Maybe I will get more later on?