Hello all!
Joined a couple weeks ago, first post and I’m already looking for help, lol!
Among other things we have an older Golden Russet, standard tree.
It just got done flowering about a week ago, and now has dark spots on many leaves., and a number of yellow leaves that are starting to drop.
Pruning was neglected many years before we got here, but we opened it well up last year( and lost a major branch during fruiting) and had a fantastic crop.
Google says this is aphids, but we aren’t seeing any. I
Any thoughts on what else this might be?
Maine, Zone 5 b
(CAR) cedar apple rust. many posts on this forum
I’ll go with frogeye spot, aka black rot
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is it effective to spray with captan after fruit has set (~ 1 inch) to keep frogeye spot, aka black rot in check?