Another Apple ID

Is this Newtown Pippin? Apples picked from the tree yesterday (Jan 4). First harvest of 3 apples on a branch grafted in March 2016. Very firm, dense flesh, intensely sweet (right off the tree).


I don’t know what it is, but it’s definitely a nice looking apple. If no one here can identify (although I’m sure they will), you should get in touch with Steven over at Skillcult. I’m sure he’d be able to ID pretty quickly.


They look different from my Newtowns which never get yellow and are bigger than that. But I think the yellow is just due to how long they have been hanging. The top apple in the 2nd picture has these longish whitish “spots” on the top which are unusual for apples in general but are common on my Newtowns. That makes me think its probably Newtown.


Thanks Scott. All three apples had these elongated white spots, if you look closely you can also see them on the first photo. It was the first crop on this graft, which can explain smaller apple size.

Description from “The Apples of New York” (boldface emphasis is mine):

Skin rather tough, smooth or slightly roughened with brownish-russet dots, grass-green at fruit harvest but sometimes pretty yellow later, and often showing some brownish or brownish-pink color, especially near the base. White submerged dots are especially numerous toward the eye and whitish scarf-skin stripes extend over the base.

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Strange that it has more than 5 seed pockets. I’ve also never seen them full yellow, almost orange, but I’d love to. Many apples don’t get the color around here that they do elsewhere. Wish I could buy some ripe Goldrush.

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Normally, the scionwood from CRFG exchanges is correctly labeled but in this case it apparently was not. The scionwood for this graft was labeled as “Cripps Pink” and most definitely it is not that. @Antmary, @PommeThrum, the scionwood that I sent you as “Cripps Pink” produces the apples on the photos above, which are most likely “Newtown Pippin”. I’m sorry for the mishap. Belle de Boskoop, Gravenstein, Lady Williams, and Wickson are true to label; Hudson’s Golden Gem did not fruit yet.

There are yellowish strains of Newtown Pippin. Albemarle Pippin is one of these.

Cummins has the original grassy green northern strain. That one is like a small dense Granny Smith with a unique piney taste in October. Sometimes it has a splash of russet-like discoloration on the tops. I agree with Scott about the long whitish markings.


I do not think it is Newtown pippin. It looks more like extremely ripe Granny Smith.
I would recommend this site
Which has very good quality pictures of dozens of apples for identification.

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Granny Smith is different in both shape and color. It never becomes yellow, and flesh is never yellow. In my sun, Granny Smith would be green with a red cheek on the sunny side, not yellow. Newtown Pippin can be quite variable depending on growing conditions. Some of Newtown Pippin photos look pretty similar to what I have:, Apples: Malus domestica 'Yellow Newtown Pippin'.

@applenut, you grow both Newtown Pippin and Granny Smith in California, what do you think?

Hey Murky,
I get fully ripe Gold RUsh every year. Heat island effect?
JohN S

That’s great, now you just need to up your production. I wish I could buy ripe ones from the produce store.

Some fruit/apples store better when picked not quite fully ripe. I don’t know if Gold Rush is one of those.
John S

I’d think all apples need to be picked less than fully ripe for long term storage. They ripen in storage. Controlled atmosphere storage is designed to greatly slow the rate of ripening.

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Warren Marnhart, in his excellent “Apples for the 21st Century”, described a few varieties that lasted just as long fully ripe. I believe Newtown Pippin was among them.
John S

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My wife brought these home given to her by a friend off of their tree, just ripened in Missouri zone six. The lady said they were baking apples and tart but I find them sweet and acidic, perfect for freash eating


Please help me id this apple! Here is what i know…

This will be a very popular/common apple. Tree was from lowes and we remember it was something you see in grocery stores all the time. So it wont be something obscure. Its in city park and city clerk thinks it might be gala or fuji or something common like that.

They are small to average size normally. This year this tree had absolutely no thinning at all
So apples are quite small but last year with thinning the were on the small side of average.

They are ripe right now. This is early to mid season ripening for my area

They are quite sweet and pretty crunchy. color is red/orange over yellow- not green

Bad spots are because they didn’t get sprayed once all year. Considering that I think they look pretty good!

Many have vague stripes that start at top and fade as the go verticle toward bottom

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I don’t have a positive ID, but its not Fuji.

It could be Gala… timing is about right. They don’t look exactly like my Gala did but there are enough similarities to make me think it could be a match.

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Thank you both. This is hard! It also looks fairly similar to my honeycrisps but even without thinning, i would think honeycrisp would be larger than these are??? My money is on Gala I think.

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