Another use of thinned green peach

After June drop, I still have more than idea amount of peaches left on the tree. when the peaches reached walnut size , I did final thinning.But I did not thow all the small green peaches into garbage. I took the stone out and salted the peaches for a day or two to get rid of the juice. Then I mixed the peaches pieces with sugar and marinated for about 7~10 days. then put them under the sun to dry naturally. Once dried , I just snack on these sweet dry peaches. It is delicious. And nothing goes to the waste


those look tasty.

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I wish you posted sooner. That looked so good.

After a branch of my peaches broke a few weeks ago, with 65 golf ball size peaches coming down. I did not know what to do them. When googled, they all have green peach pickling or infusing with alcohol.

I gave some away to my neighbor. We were too busy to pickle them. I just took them out of the fridge and throw them all in the compost file on Monday!!!

Thank you for posting. I’ll keep your recipe for future use. However, I hope none of peahc branches will ever break again!!!

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I just figure it out myself. In the past, all my thinnings go into garbage. But it seems a big waste so I tried few small batches with Honey, salt alone, etc. Above combination seem worked best, I also squeezed a lemon juice to reserve the color a bit. Next year I want add some herb to it, should be fun.


Great job, Annie. So creative.

I will save your recipe for future use. Thank you very much

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Thanks for sharing! Where do you get your expanded metal? Is it stainless or aluminum?

Do you do anything special, like put a fan on them or just let them sit in the sun?

Thanks, Jason

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I just let them dry in the sun. Not sure where I got these screens, I had it for awhile. I think they were designed to be used in BBQ for roasting small veggies

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Hey Annie, I love this idea. I guess you could use your technique with other immature fruit gleaned from thinning. So I have a few questions…
Did you peel the green peaches?
Did you rinse the salt off the peaches before adding sugar or was the salt-extracted liquid part of the marinade?
Thanks for posting.

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I love eat fruits preserve that sold in Chinese store for snack. I have eaten some dryed salty peach that inside stone is still chewable. So I know some were made by gree n immature peaches. as we all know, just read label of the product, that fruits preserves has ton of chemical to prevent dry fruit rot etc. I want to continue snack on these dryed fruits but don’t want these chemical, so I used the simplest way.least chemical added, just salt to extract water, sometimes I squeeze a lemon juice, then packed them in sugar to give it sweet taste. Usually I don’t wash the salt off before put sugar.but if you put a lot of salt then wash excess salt off might be a good idea.
I never peeled skin off. The fuzzy doesn’t both me. Some time I microwave (cook) semi dryed peach piece to bring out the aroma and sanitize the fruit


I am very happy to find this post. Would you please tell me the name of the peach varieties so I know approximately how far along they were in June. Thank you very much for your help.

I think Reliance and july Elbert

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Thanks a lot. I will try to do it. My peaches are early and will ripen in May and June but I only started thinning recently.

You must be in South. My peach just ready to bloom and will not be ready around in mid August. July Elberta is not really a July peach lol

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I live about 30 miles east of Los Angeles. The last few years we had heat waves in July which burned and caused a lot of fruit drop. Last year I put in Flordaprince, Earlitreat, May Pride and Tropic Snow peaches. Hopefully they will ripen before the heat wave come. The blooming time of all the nectarines, plums, pluots, apples, pears.and grapes varies each year even for two trees of the same variety. I have no idea which one will pollinate which, how much fruits we will get, and when they will ripen. Prime Art 45/ Freedom blackberries are the most reliable. In winter I remove the dead canes. After that whenever the temperature stays lower than 90F they flower and set fruits.

I have opposite problem lol. My growing season is not long enough , I’m waiting for the weather to be warm up. Be honest, all the fruits trees in my yard bloom almost at same time, ie within couple of weeks the most. Right now I have apricot near petals fall, plum is in full bloom and peach is into full bloom, cherry is also blooming. Asian pear is the latest, and is ready to bloom in a day or two. Funny thing is that I grafted Indian Free last year which is known for later bloom. But I found it synch with the rest of the peach as well. It looks that the geographic location / climates plays big deal. I can’t grow blackberries here reliably. But raspberries grow well here

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All blooming lol


I always admire people who can graft. It looks so difficult. I don’t think my hands are good enough, I am the clumsy one in the family. Also, even if I ask my sister to do it, the dry and hot summer will kill them all. I had raspberries for a few years but they had no fruits, so I cut them down. I still have to remove when the runners pop up sometimes. My youngest sister is in Missouri. She said there are wild raspberries and American persimmons everywhere, and nothing bothers them. They preferred her pear trees. There is a small creek behind the back yard and the squirrels ate them all.

I didn’t have the chance to try. The only peach that still needed thinning was May Pride. When I tasted a half green, quarter sized peach, it was good already, with no bitter taste.We have been eating them cold after a few hours in the fridge. Warm peach from the tree is not so good. My daughter, who is so picky, likes them a lot too. It is not freestone, but it is the first fruit of the season for us.
All the other peaches, Flordaprince, Tropic Snow, Earlitreat,and Donut, are very bitter when not ripe. The Long Beach is the worst. Maybe it was mislabeled. They were inedible last year, looked so good and yet so bitter. After this season, if they don’t get better, we will remove the tree.