Any Experience with Ein, Anna, or Dorset Apple?

Looking at these for another early ripening apple. Anyone know if they are worthwhile?

Anna is kind of ok. It blooms extremely early, so bloom survival in any climate with early freezes is questionable at best. This is an apple that was specifically bred for very low chill climates with warm winters.


Stan’s comment is spot on. I’m in zone 9a S. Texas. Ein shemmer and anna both produce sparsley and have blooms and fruit most of the year. I do like being able to grab an apple most any time I want to though. D

Unless you’re looking for a very low chill apple, I wouldn’t pick any of those you mentioned.

I have had anna apple. For a homegrown fruit its unremarkable. I would describe it as a sprightly flavor not a strong apple flavor. It might be worth trying to grow non low chill varieties that have been tested in low chill climate.

If you haven’t already, you might want to browse @applenut’s website devoted to growing apples in low-chill environments. He has comments on all three varieties you listed.

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In the right climate Anna really sings, the above are from Maui. Anna also makes killer pies. But in a colder climate, it’s unremarkable. Ein Shemer is useless, Dorsett Golden and Shell of Alabama are the other super low-chill varieties that are very good in warm climates, useless in colder climates. All three are explosively productive, bearing heavy crops starting the second year.